"custom_nodes": [
"author": "Dr.Lt.Data",
"title": "ComfyUI-Manager",
"reference": "https://github.com/ltdrdata/ComfyUI-Manager",
"files": [
"install_type": "git-clone",
"description": "ComfyUI-Manager itself is also a custom node."
"author": "Dr.Lt.Data",
"title": "ComfyUI Impact Pack",
"reference": "https://github.com/ltdrdata/ComfyUI-Impact-Pack",
"files": [
"install_type": "git-clone",
"description": "This extension offers various detector nodes and detailer nodes that allow you to configure a workflow that automatically enhances facial details. And provide iterative upscaler.
NOTE:MMDetDetectorProvider and other legacy nodes are disabled by default. If you want to activate these nodes and use them, please edit the impact-pack.ini file in the ComfyUI-Impact-Pack directory and change 'mmdet_skip = True' to 'mmdet_skip = False.'
" }, { "author": "Dr.Lt.Data", "title": "ComfyUI Inspire Pack", "reference": "https://github.com/ltdrdata/ComfyUI-Inspire-Pack", "files": [ "https://github.com/ltdrdata/ComfyUI-Inspire-Pack" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "This extension provides various nodes to support Lora Block Weight and the Impact Pack." }, { "author": "comfyanonymous", "title": "ComfyUI_experiments", "reference": "https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI_experiments", "files": [ "https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI_experiments" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: ModelSamplerTonemapNoiseTest, TonemapNoiseWithRescaleCFG, ReferenceOnlySimple, RescaleClassifierFreeGuidanceTest, ModelMergeBlockNumber, ModelMergeSDXL, ModelMergeSDXLTransformers, ModelMergeSDXLDetailedTransformers.NOTE: This is a consolidation of the previously separate custom nodes. Please delete the sampler_tonemap.py, sampler_rescalecfg.py, advanced_model_merging.py, sdxl_model_merging.py, and reference_only.py files installed in custom_nodes before.
" }, { "author": "Stability-AI", "title": "stability-ComfyUI-nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/Stability-AI/stability-ComfyUI-nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/Stability-AI/stability-ComfyUI-nodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: ColorBlend, ControlLoraSave, GetImageSize. NOTE: Control-LoRA recolor example uses these nodes." }, { "author": "Fannovel16", "title": "ComfyUI's ControlNet Auxiliary Preprocessors", "reference": "https://github.com/Fannovel16/comfyui_controlnet_aux", "files": [ "https://github.com/Fannovel16/comfyui_controlnet_aux" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "This is a rework of comfyui_controlnet_preprocessors based on ControlNet auxiliary models by 🤗. I think the old repo isn't good enough to maintain. All old workflow will still be work with this repo but the version option won't do anything. Almost all v1 preprocessors are replaced by v1.1 except those doesn't appear in v1.1.NOTE: Please refrain from using the controlnet preprocessor alongside this installation, as it may lead to conflicts and prevent proper recognition.
" }, { "author": "Fannovel16", "title": "ComfyUI Frame Interpolation", "reference": "https://github.com/Fannovel16/ComfyUI-Frame-Interpolation", "files": [ "https://github.com/Fannovel16/ComfyUI-Frame-Interpolation" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: KSampler Gradually Adding More Denoise (efficient)" }, { "author": "Fannovel16", "title": "ComfyUI Loopchain", "reference": "https://github.com/Fannovel16/ComfyUI-Loopchain", "files": [ "https://github.com/Fannovel16/ComfyUI-Loopchain" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "A collection of nodes which can be useful for animation in ComfyUI. The main focus of this extension is implementing a mechanism called loopchain. A loopchain in this case is the chain of nodes only executed repeatly in the workflow. If a node chain contains a loop node from this extension, it will become a loop chain." }, { "author": "biegert", "title": "CLIPSeg", "reference": "https://github.com/biegert/ComfyUI-CLIPSeg", "files": [ "https://github.com/biegert/ComfyUI-CLIPSeg/raw/main/custom_nodes/clipseg.py" ], "install_type": "copy", "description": "The CLIPSeg node generates a binary mask for a given input image and text prompt." }, { "author": "BlenderNeko", "title": "ComfyUI Cutoff", "reference": "https://github.com/BlenderNeko/ComfyUI_Cutoff", "files": [ "https://github.com/BlenderNeko/ComfyUI_Cutoff" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "These custom nodes provides features that allow for better control over the effects of the text prompt." }, { "author": "BlenderNeko", "title": "Advanced CLIP Text Encode", "reference": "https://github.com/BlenderNeko/ComfyUI_ADV_CLIP_emb", "files": [ "https://github.com/BlenderNeko/ComfyUI_ADV_CLIP_emb" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Advanced CLIP Text Encode (if you need A1111 like prompt. you need this. But Cutoff node includes this feature, already.)" }, { "author": "BlenderNeko", "title": "ComfyUI Noise", "reference": "https://github.com/BlenderNeko/ComfyUI_Noise", "files": [ "https://github.com/BlenderNeko/ComfyUI_Noise" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "This extension contains 6 nodes for ComfyUI that allows for more control and flexibility over the noise." }, { "author": "BlenderNeko", "title": "Tiled sampling for ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/BlenderNeko/ComfyUI_TiledKSampler", "files": [ "https://github.com/BlenderNeko/ComfyUI_TiledKSampler" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "This extension contains a tiled sampler for ComfyUI. It allows for denoising larger images by splitting it up into smaller tiles and denoising these. It tries to minimize any seams for showing up in the end result by gradually denoising all tiles one step at the time and randomizing tile positions for every step." }, { "author": "BlenderNeko", "title": "SeeCoder [WIP]", "reference": "https://github.com/BlenderNeko/ComfyUI_SeeCoder", "files": [ "https://github.com/BlenderNeko/ComfyUI_SeeCoder" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "It provides the capability to generate CLIP from an image input, unlike unCLIP, which works in all models. (To use this extension, you need to download the required model file from Install Models)" }, { "author": "LucianoCirino", "title": "Efficiency Nodes for ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/LucianoCirino/efficiency-nodes-comfyui", "files": [ "https://github.com/LucianoCirino/efficiency-nodes-comfyui" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "A collection of ComfyUI custom nodes to help streamline workflows and reduce total node count." }, { "author": "Derfuu", "title": "Derfuu_ComfyUI_ModdedNodes", "reference": "https://github.com/Derfuu/Derfuu_ComfyUI_ModdedNodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/Derfuu/Derfuu_ComfyUI_ModdedNodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Automate calculation depending on image sizes or something you want." }, { "author": "paulo-coronado", "title": "comfy_clip_blip_node", "reference": "https://github.com/paulo-coronado/comfy_clip_blip_node", "files": [ "https://github.com/paulo-coronado/comfy_clip_blip_node" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "apt_dependency": [ "rustc", "cargo" ], "description": "CLIPTextEncodeBLIP: This custom node provides a CLIP Encoder that is capable of receiving images as input." }, { "author": "Davemane42", "title": "Visual Area Conditioning / Latent composition", "reference": "https://github.com/Davemane42/ComfyUI_Dave_CustomNode", "files": [ "https://github.com/Davemane42/ComfyUI_Dave_CustomNode" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "This tool provides custom nodes that allow visualization and configuration of area conditioning and latent composite." }, { "author": "WASasquatch", "title": "WAS Node Suite", "reference": "https://github.com/WASasquatch/was-node-suite-comfyui", "pip": ["numba"], "files": [ "https://github.com/WASasquatch/was-node-suite-comfyui" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "A node suite for ComfyUI with many new nodes, such as image processing, text processing, and more." }, { "author": "WASasquatch", "title": "ComfyUI Preset Merger", "reference": "https://github.com/WASasquatch/ComfyUI_Preset_Merger", "files": [ "https://github.com/WASasquatch/ComfyUI_Preset_Merger" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: ModelMergeByPreset. Merge checkpoint models by preset" }, { "author": "WASasquatch", "title": "PPF_Noise_ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/WASasquatch/PPF_Noise_ComfyUI", "files": [ "https://github.com/WASasquatch/PPF_Noise_ComfyUI" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: WAS_PFN_Latent. Perlin Power Fractal Noisey Latents" }, { "author": "WASasquatch", "title": "Power Noise Suite for ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/WASasquatch/PowerNoiseSuite", "files": [ "https://github.com/WASasquatch/PowerNoiseSuite" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Power Noise Suite contains nodes centered around latent noise input, and diffusion, as well as latent adjustments." }, { "author": "omar92", "title": "Quality of life Suit:V2", "reference": "https://github.com/omar92/ComfyUI-QualityOfLifeSuit_Omar92", "files": [ "https://github.com/omar92/ComfyUI-QualityOfLifeSuit_Omar92" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "openAI suite, String suite, Latent Tools, Image Tools: These custom nodes provide expanded functionality for image and string processing, latent processing, as well as the ability to interface with models such as ChatGPT/DallE-2." }, { "author": "lilly1987", "title": "simple wildcard for ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/lilly1987/ComfyUI_node_Lilly", "files": [ "https://github.com/lilly1987/ComfyUI_node_Lilly" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "These custom nodes provides a feature to insert arbitrary inputs through wildcards in the prompt. Additionally, this tool provides features that help simplify workflows, such as VAELoaderDecoder and SimplerSample." }, { "author": "sylym", "title": "Vid2vid", "reference": "https://github.com/sylym/comfy_vid2vid", "files": [ "https://github.com/sylym/comfy_vid2vid" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "A node suite for ComfyUI that allows you to load image sequence and generate new image sequence with different styles or content." }, { "author": "EllangoK", "title": "ComfyUI-post-processing-nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/EllangoK/ComfyUI-post-processing-nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/EllangoK/ComfyUI-post-processing-nodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "A collection of post processing nodes for ComfyUI, simply download this repo and drag." }, { "author": "LEv145", "title": "ImagesGrid", "reference": "https://github.com/LEv145/images-grid-comfy-plugin", "files": [ "https://github.com/LEv145/images-grid-comfy-plugin" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "This tool provides a viewer node that allows for checking multiple outputs in a grid, similar to the X/Y Plot extension." }, { "author": "diontimmer", "title": "ComfyUI-Vextra-Nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/diontimmer/ComfyUI-Vextra-Nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/diontimmer/ComfyUI-Vextra-Nodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: Pixel Sort, Swap Color Mode, Solid Color, Glitch This, Add Text To Image, Play Sound, Prettify Prompt, Generate Noise, Flatten Colors" }, { "author": "hnmr293", "title": "ComfyUI-nodes-hnmr", "reference": "https://github.com/hnmr293/ComfyUI-nodes-hnmr", "files": [ "https://github.com/hnmr293/ComfyUI-nodes-hnmr" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Provide various custom nodes for Latent, Sampling, Model, Loader, Image, Text" }, { "author": "BadCafeCode", "title": "Masquerade Nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/BadCafeCode/masquerade-nodes-comfyui", "files": [ "https://github.com/BadCafeCode/masquerade-nodes-comfyui" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "This is a node pack for ComfyUI, primarily dealing with masks." }, { "author": "guoyk93", "title": "y.k.'s ComfyUI node suite", "reference": "https://github.com/guoyk93/yk-node-suite-comfyui", "files": [ "https://github.com/guoyk93/yk-node-suite-comfyui" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: YKImagePadForOutpaint, YKMaskToImage" }, { "author": "Jcd1230", "title": "Rembg Background Removal Node for ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/Jcd1230/rembg-comfyui-node", "files": [ "https://github.com/Jcd1230/rembg-comfyui-node" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: Image Remove Background (rembg)" }, { "author": "YinBailiang", "title": "MergeBlockWeighted_fo_ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/YinBailiang/MergeBlockWeighted_fo_ComfyUI", "files": [ "https://github.com/YinBailiang/MergeBlockWeighted_fo_ComfyUI" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: MergeBlockWeighted" }, { "author": "trojblue", "title": "trNodes", "reference": "https://github.com/trojblue/trNodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/trojblue/trNodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: image_layering, color_correction, model_router" }, { "author": "szhublox", "title": "Auto-MBW", "reference": "https://github.com/szhublox/ambw_comfyui", "files": [ "https://github.com/szhublox/ambw_comfyui" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Auto-MBW for ComfyUI loosely based on sdweb-auto-MBW. Nodes: auto merge block weighted" }, { "author": "city96", "title": "ComfyUI_NetDist", "reference": "https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_NetDist", "files": [ "https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_NetDist" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Run ComfyUI workflows on multiple local GPUs/networked machines. Nodes: Remote images, Local Remote control" }, { "author": "city96", "title": "Latent-Interposer", "reference": "https://github.com/city96/SD-Latent-Interposer", "files": [ "https://github.com/city96/SD-Latent-Interposer" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Custom node to convert the lantents between SDXL and SD v1.5 directly without the VAE decoding/encoding step." }, { "author": "city96", "title": "SD-Advanced-Noise", "reference": "https://github.com/city96/SD-Advanced-Noise", "files": [ "https://github.com/city96/SD-Advanced-Noise" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: LatentGaussianNoise, MathEncode. An experimental custom node that generates latent noise directly by utilizing the linear characteristics of the latent space." }, { "author": "city96", "title": "SD-Latent-Upscaler", "reference": "https://github.com/city96/SD-Latent-Upscaler", "files": [ "https://github.com/city96/SD-Latent-Upscaler" ], "pip": ["huggingface-hub"], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Upscaling stable diffusion latents using a small neural network." }, { "author": "city96", "title": "ComfyUI_DiT [WIP]", "reference": "https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_DiT", "files": [ "https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_DiT" ], "pip": ["huggingface-hub"], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Testbed for DiT(Scalable Diffusion Models with Transformers).None of this code is stable, expect breaking changes if for some reason you want to use this.
" }, { "author": "Kaharos94", "title": "ComfyUI-Saveaswebp", "reference": "https://github.com/Kaharos94/ComfyUI-Saveaswebp", "files": [ "https://github.com/Kaharos94/ComfyUI-Saveaswebp" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Save a picture as Webp file in Comfy + Workflow loading" }, { "author": "chenbaiyujason", "title": "sc-node-comfyui", "reference": "https://github.com/chenbaiyujason/sc-node-comfyui", "files": [ "https://github.com/chenbaiyujason/sc-node-comfyui" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes for GPT interaction and text manipulation" }, { "author": "SLAPaper", "title": "ComfyUI-Image-Selector", "reference": "https://github.com/SLAPaper/ComfyUI-Image-Selector", "files": [ "https://github.com/SLAPaper/ComfyUI-Image-Selector" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "A custom node for ComfyUI, which can select one or some of images from a batch." }, { "author": "flyingshutter", "title": "As_ComfyUI_CustomNodes", "reference": "https://github.com/flyingshutter/As_ComfyUI_CustomNodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/flyingshutter/As_ComfyUI_CustomNodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Manipulation nodes for Image, Latent" }, { "author": "Zuellni", "title": "Zuellni/ComfyUI-Custom-Nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/Zuellni/ComfyUI-Custom-Nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/Zuellni/ComfyUI-Custom-Nodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: DeepFloyd, Filter, Select, Save, Decode, Encode, Repeat, Noise, Noise" }, { "author": "Zuellni", "title": "ComfyUI-ExLlama", "reference": "https://github.com/Zuellni/ComfyUI-ExLlama", "files": [ "https://github.com/Zuellni/ComfyUI-ExLlama" ], "pip": ["sentencepiece", "https://github.com/jllllll/exllama/releases/download/0.0.17/exllama-0.0.17+cu118-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl"], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: ExLlama Loader, ExLlama Generator.NOTE: You need to manually install a pip package that suits your system. For example. If your system is 'Python3.10 + Windows + CUDA 11.8' then you need to install 'exllama-0.0.17+cu118-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl'. Available package files are here."
"author": "AlekPet",
"title": "AlekPet/ComfyUI_Custom_Nodes_AlekPet",
"reference": "https://github.com/AlekPet/ComfyUI_Custom_Nodes_AlekPet",
"files": [
"install_type": "git-clone",
"description": "Nodes: PoseNode, TranslateCLIPTextEncodeNode"
"author": "pythongosssss",
"title": "ComfyUI WD 1.4 Tagger",
"reference": "https://github.com/pythongosssss/ComfyUI-WD14-Tagger",
"files": [
"install_type": "git-clone",
"description": "A ComfyUI extension allowing the interrogation of booru tags from images."
"author": "pythongosssss",
"title": "pythongosssss/ComfyUI-Custom-Scripts",
"reference": "https://github.com/pythongosssss/ComfyUI-Custom-Scripts",
"files": [
"install_type": "git-clone",
"description": "This extension provides: Auto Arrange Graph, Workflow SVG, Favicon Status, Image Feed, Latent Upscale By, Lock Nodes & Groups, Lora Subfolders, Preset Text, Show Text, Touch Support, Link Render Mode, Locking, Node Finder, Quick Nodes, Show Image On Menu, Show Text, Workflow Managements, Custom Widget Default Values"
"author": "strimmlarn",
"title": "ComfyUI_Strimmlarns_aesthetic_score",
"reference": "https://github.com/strimmlarn/ComfyUI_Strimmlarns_aesthetic_score",
"js_path": "strimmlarn",
"files": [
"install_type": "git-clone",
"description": "Nodes: CalculateAestheticScore, LoadAesteticModel, AesthetlcScoreSorter, ScoreToNumber"
"author": "tinyterra",
"title": "tinyterraNodes",
"reference": "https://github.com/tinyterra/ComfyUI_tinyterraNodes",
"files": [
"install_type": "git-clone",
"nodename_pattern": "^ttN ",
"description": "Nodes: pipeLoader, pipeKSampler, assorted pipe utils, imageOutput, imageRemBG, 3x TXT Loader MultiConcat, +more"
"author": "Jordach",
"title": "comfy-plasma",
"reference": "https://github.com/Jordach/comfy-plasma",
"files": [
"install_type": "git-clone",
"description": "Nodes: Plasma Noise, Random Noise, Greyscale Noise, Pink Noise, Brown Noise, Plasma KSampler"
"author": "bvhari",
"title": "ImageProcessing",
"reference": "https://github.com/bvhari/ComfyUI_ImageProcessing",
"files": [
"install_type": "git-clone",
"description": "ComfyUI custom nodes to apply various image processing techniques."
"author": "bvhari",
"title": "LatentToRGB",
"reference": "https://github.com/bvhari/ComfyUI_LatentToRGB",
"files": [
"install_type": "git-clone",
"description": "ComfyUI custom node to convert latent to RGB."
"author": "bvhari",
"title": "ComfyUI_PerpNeg [WIP]",
"reference": "https://github.com/bvhari/ComfyUI_PerpNeg",
"files": [
"install_type": "git-clone",
"description": "Nodes: KSampler (Advanced + Perp-Neg). Implementation of Perp-Neg
Includes Tonemap and CFG Rescale optionsComfyUI custom node to convert latent to RGB.
WARNING: Experimental code, might have incompatibilities and edge cases.>"
"author": "bvhari",
"title": "ComfyUI_PerpWeight",
"reference": "https://github.com/bvhari/ComfyUI_PerpWeight",
"files": [
"install_type": "git-clone",
"description": "A novel weighting scheme for token vectors from CLIP. Allows a wider range of values for the weight. Inspired by Perp-Neg."
"author": "ssitu",
"title": "UltimateSDUpscale",
"reference": "https://github.com/ssitu/ComfyUI_UltimateSDUpscale",
"files": [
"install_type": "git-clone",
"description": "ComfyUI nodes for the Ultimate Stable Diffusion Upscale script by Coyote-A."
"author": "ssitu",
"title": "NestedNodeBuilder",
"reference": "https://github.com/ssitu/ComfyUI_NestedNodeBuilder",
"files": [
"install_type": "git-clone",
"description": "This extension provides the ability to combine multiple nodes into a single node."
"author": "ssitu",
"title": "Restart Sampling",
"reference": "https://github.com/ssitu/ComfyUI_restart_sampling",
"files": [
"install_type": "git-clone",
"description": "Unofficial ComfyUI nodes for restart sampling based on the paper 'Restart Sampling for Improving Generative Processes' [paper] [repo]"
"author": "ssitu",
"title": "ComfyUI roop",
"reference": "https://github.com/ssitu/ComfyUI_roop",
"files": [
"install_type": "git-clone",
"description": "ComfyUI nodes for the roop A1111 webui script."
"author": "ssitu",
"title": "ComfyUI fabric",
"reference": "https://github.com/ssitu/ComfyUI_fabric",
"files": [
"install_type": "git-clone",
"description": "ComfyUI nodes based on the paper 'FABRIC: Personalizing Diffusion Models with Iterative Feedback' (Feedback via Attention-Based Reference Image Conditioning)"
"author": "space-nuko",
"title": "Disco Diffusion",
"reference": "https://github.com/space-nuko/ComfyUI-Disco-Diffusion",
"files": [
"install_type": "git-clone",
"description": "Modularized version of Disco Diffusion for use with ComfyUI."
"author": "space-nuko",
"title": "OpenPose Editor",
"reference": "https://github.com/space-nuko/ComfyUI-OpenPose-Editor",
"files": [
"install_type": "git-clone",
"description": "A port of the openpose-editor extension for stable-diffusion-webui. NOTE: Requires this ComfyUI patch to work correctly"
"author": "space-nuko",
"title": "nui suite",
"reference": "https://github.com/space-nuko/nui-suite",
"files": [
"install_type": "git-clone",
"description": "NODES: Dynamic Prompts Text Encode, Feeling Lucky Text Encode, Output String"
"author": "Nourepide",
"title": "Allor Plugin",
"reference": "https://github.com/Nourepide/ComfyUI-Allor",
"files": [
"install_type": "git-clone",
"description": "Allor is a plugin for ComfyUI with an emphasis on transparency and performance.
NOTE: If you do not disable the default node override feature in the settings, the built-in nodes, namely ImageScale and ImageScaleBy nodes, will be disabled. (ref: Configutation)
" }, { "author": "melMass", "title": "MTB Nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/melMass/comfy_mtb", "files": [ "https://github.com/melMass/comfy_mtb" ], "nodename_pattern": "\\(mtb\\)$", "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "NODES: Face Swap, Film Interpolation, Latent Lerp, Int To Number, Bounding Box, Crop, Uncrop, ImageBlur, Denoise, ImageCompare, RGV to HSV, HSV to RGB, Color Correct, Modulo, Deglaze Image, Smart Step, ..." }, { "author": "xXAdonesXx", "title": "NodeGPT", "reference": "https://github.com/xXAdonesXx/NodeGPT", "files": [ "https://github.com/xXAdonesXx/NodeGPT/raw/main/Textnode.py" ], "install_type": "copy", "description": "ComfyUI Extension Nodes for Automated Text Generation." }, { "author": "RockOfFire", "title": "ComfyUI_Comfyroll_CustomNodes", "reference": "https://github.com/RockOfFire/ComfyUI_Comfyroll_CustomNodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/RockOfFire/ComfyUI_Comfyroll_CustomNodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Custom nodes for SDXL and SD1.5 including Multi-ControlNet, LoRA, Aspect Ratio, Process Switches, and many more nodes." }, { "author": "RockOfFire", "title": "CR Animation Nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/RockOfFire/CR_Animation_Nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/RockOfFire/CR_Animation_Nodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "A comprehensive suite of nodes to enhance your animations. These nodes include some features similar to Deforum, and also some new ideas." }, { "author": "bmad4ever", "title": "ComfyUI-Bmad-DirtyUndoRedo", "reference": "https://github.com/bmad4ever/ComfyUI-Bmad-DirtyUndoRedo", "files": [ "https://github.com/bmad4ever/ComfyUI-Bmad-DirtyUndoRedo" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "ComfyUI extension that adds undo (and redo) functionality." }, { "author": "bmad4ever", "title": "ComfyUI-Bmad-Custom-Nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/bmad4ever/ComfyUI-Bmad-Custom-Nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/bmad4ever/ComfyUI-Bmad-Custom-Nodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "This custom node offers the following functionalities: API support for setting up API requests, computer vision primarily for masking purposes using GrabCut or contours, and general utility to streamline workflow setup or implement essential missing features." }, { "author": "FizzleDorf", "title": "FizzNodes", "reference": "https://github.com/FizzleDorf/ComfyUI_FizzNodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/FizzleDorf/ComfyUI_FizzNodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Scheduled prompts, scheduled float/int values and wave function nodes for animations and utility. compatable with framesync and keyframe-string-generator for audio synced animations in Comfyui." }, { "author": "FizzleDorf", "title": "AIT", "reference": "https://github.com/FizzleDorf/AIT", "files": [ "https://github.com/FizzleDorf/AIT" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: Load AITemplate, Load AITemplate (ControlNet), VAE Decode (AITemplate), VAE Encode (AITemplate), VAE Encode (AITemplate, Inpaint). Experimental usage of AITemplate" }, { "author": "filipemeneses", "title": "Pixelization", "reference": "https://github.com/filipemeneses/comfy_pixelization", "files": [ "https://github.com/filipemeneses/comfy_pixelization" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "ComfyUI node that pixelizes images." }, { "author": "shiimizu", "title": "smZNodes", "reference": "https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "NODES: CLIP Text Encode++. Achieve identical embeddings from stable-diffusion-webui for ComfyUI." }, { "author": "ZaneA", "title": "ImageReward", "reference": "https://github.com/ZaneA/ComfyUI-ImageReward", "files": [ "https://github.com/ZaneA/ComfyUI-ImageReward" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "NODES: ImageRewardLoader, ImageRewardScore" }, { "author": "SeargeDP", "title": "SeargeSDXL", "reference": "https://github.com/SeargeDP/SeargeSDXL", "files": [ "https://github.com/SeargeDP/SeargeSDXL" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Custom nodes for easier use of SDXL in ComfyUI including an img2img workflow that utilizes both the base and refiner checkpoints." }, { "author": "cubiq", "title": "Simple Math", "reference": "https://github.com/cubiq/ComfyUI_SimpleMath", "files": [ "https://github.com/cubiq/ComfyUI_SimpleMath" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "custom node for ComfyUI to perform simple math operations" }, { "author": "cubiq", "title": "ComfyUI_IPAdapter_plus", "reference": "https://github.com/cubiq/ComfyUI_IPAdapter_plus", "files": [ "https://github.com/cubiq/ComfyUI_IPAdapter_plus" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "ComfyUI reference implementation for IPAdapter models. The code is mostly taken from the original IPAdapter repository and laksjdjf's implementation, all credit goes to them. I just made the extension closer to ComfyUI philosophy." }, { "author": "shockz0rz", "title": "InterpolateEverything", "reference": "https://github.com/shockz0rz/ComfyUI_InterpolateEverything", "files": [ "https://github.com/shockz0rz/ComfyUI_InterpolateEverything" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: Interpolate Poses, Interpolate Lineart, ... Custom nodes for interpolating between, well, everything in the Stable Diffusion ComfyUI." }, { "author": "yolanother", "title": "DTAIComfyPromptAgent", "reference": "https://github.com/yolanother/DTAIComfyPromptAgent", "files": [ "https://github.com/yolanother/DTAIComfyPromptAgent" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "This script provides a prompt agent node for the Comfy UI stable diffusion client." }, { "author": "sipherxyz", "title": "comfyui-art-venture", "reference": "https://github.com/sipherxyz/comfyui-art-venture", "files": [ "https://github.com/sipherxyz/comfyui-art-venture" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: ImagesConcat, LoadImageFromUrl, AV_UploadImage" }, { "author": "SOELexicon", "title": "LexMSDBNodes", "reference": "https://github.com/SOELexicon/ComfyUI-LexMSDBNodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/SOELexicon/ComfyUI-LexMSDBNodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: MSSqlTableNode, MSSqlSelectNode. This extension provides custom nodes to interact with MSSQL." }, { "author": "pants007", "title": "pants", "reference": "https://github.com/pants007/comfy-pants", "files": [ "https://github.com/pants007/comfy-pants" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: Make Square Node, Interrogate Node, TextEncodeAIO" }, { "author": "evanspearman", "title": "ComfyMath", "reference": "https://github.com/evanspearman/ComfyMath", "files": [ "https://github.com/evanspearman/ComfyMath" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Provides Math Nodes for ComfyUI. Boolean Logic, Integer Arithmetic, Floating Point Arithmetic and Functions, Vec2, Vec3, and Vec4 Arithmetic and Functions" }, { "author": "civitai", "title": "comfy-nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/civitai/comfy-nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/civitai/comfy-nodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: CivitAI_Loaders. Load Checkpoints, and LORA models directly from CivitAI API." }, { "author": "andersxa", "title": "CLIP Directional Prompt Attention", "reference": "https://github.com/andersxa/comfyui-PromptAttention", "files": [ "https://github.com/andersxa/comfyui-PromptAttention" ], "pip": ["scikit-learn", "matplotlib"], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: CLIP Directional Prompt Attention Encode. Direction prompt attention tries to solve the problem of contextual words (or parts of the prompt) having an effect on much later or irrelevant parts of the prompt." }, { "author": "ArtVentureX", "title": "AnimateDiff", "reference": "https://github.com/ArtVentureX/comfyui-animatediff", "pip": ["flash_attn"], "files": [ "https://github.com/ArtVentureX/comfyui-animatediff" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "AnimateDiff integration for ComfyUI, adapts from sd-webui-animatediff.You only need to download one of mm_sd_v14.ckpt | mm_sd_v15.ckpt. Put the model weights under ComfyUI/custom_nodes/comfyui-animatediff/models. DO NOT change model filename.
" }, { "author": "twri", "title": "SDXL Prompt Styler", "reference": "https://github.com/twri/sdxl_prompt_styler", "files": [ "https://github.com/twri/sdxl_prompt_styler" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "SDXL Prompt Styler is a node that enables you to style prompts based on predefined templates stored in a JSON file." }, { "author": "wolfden", "title": "SDXL Prompt Styler (customized version by wolfden)", "reference": "https://github.com/wolfden/ComfyUi_PromptStylers", "files": [ "https://github.com/wolfden/ComfyUi_PromptStylers" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "These custom nodes provide a variety of customized prompt stylers based on twri/SDXL Prompt Styler." }, { "author": "wolfden", "title": "ComfyUi_String_Function_Tree", "reference": "https://github.com/wolfden/ComfyUi_String_Function_Tree", "files": [ "https://github.com/wolfden/ComfyUi_String_Function_Tree" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "This custom node provides the capability to manipulate multiple string inputs." }, { "author": "daxthin", "title": "facedetailer", "reference": "https://github.com/daxthin/facedetailer", "files": [ "https://github.com/daxthin/facedetailer" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Face Detailer is a custom node for the 'ComfyUI' framework inspired by !After Detailer extension from auto1111, it allows you to detect faces using Mediapipe and YOLOv8n to create masks for the detected faces." }, { "author": "asagi4", "title": "ComfyUI prompt control", "reference": "https://github.com/asagi4/comfyui-prompt-control", "files": [ "https://github.com/asagi4/comfyui-prompt-control" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes for convenient prompt editing. The aim is to make basic generations in ComfyUI completely prompt-controllable." }, { "author": "jamesWalker55", "title": "ComfyUI - P2LDGAN Node", "reference": "https://github.com/jamesWalker55/comfyui-p2ldgan", "files": [ "https://github.com/jamesWalker55/comfyui-p2ldgan" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: P2LDGAN. This integrates P2LDGAN into ComfyUI. P2LDGAN extracts lineart from input images.To use this extension, you need to download the p2ldgan model and save it in the ComfyUI/custom_nodes/comfyui-p2ldgan/checkpoints directory.
" }, { "author": "jamesWalker55", "title": "Various ComfyUI Nodes by Type", "reference": "https://github.com/jamesWalker55/comfyui-various", "files": [ "https://github.com/jamesWalker55/comfyui-various" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: JWInteger, JWFloat, JWString, JWImageLoadRGB, JWImageResize, ..." }, { "author": "adieyal", "title": "DynamicPrompts Custom Nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/adieyal/comfyui-dynamicprompts", "files": [ "https://github.com/adieyal/comfyui-dynamicprompts" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: Random Prompts, Combinatorial Prompts, I'm Feeling Lucky, Magic Prompt, Jinja2 Templates. ComfyUI-DynamicPrompts is a custom nodes library that integrates into your existing ComfyUI Library. It provides nodes that enable the use of Dynamic Prompts in your ComfyUI." }, { "author": "mihaiiancu", "title": "mihaiiancu/Inpaint", "reference": "https://github.com/mihaiiancu/ComfyUI_Inpaint", "files": [ "https://github.com/mihaiiancu/ComfyUI_Inpaint" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: InpaintMediapipe. This node provides a simple interface to inpaint." }, { "author": "kwaroran", "title": "abg-comfyui", "reference": "https://github.com/kwaroran/abg-comfyui", "files": [ "https://github.com/kwaroran/abg-comfyui" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: Remove Image Background (abg). A Anime Background Remover node for comfyui, based on this hf space, works same as AGB extention in automatic1111." }, { "author": "bash-j", "title": "Mikey Nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/bash-j/mikey_nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/bash-j/mikey_nodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: Prompt With Style, Prompt With SDXL, Resize Image for SDXL, Save Image With Prompt Data, HaldCLUT, Empty Latent Ratio Select/Custom SDXL" }, { "author": "failfa.st", "title": "failfast-comfyui-extensions", "reference": "https://github.com/failfa-st/failfast-comfyui-extensions", "files": [ "https://github.com/failfa-st/failfast-comfyui-extensions" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "node color customization, custom colors, dot reroutes, link rendering options, straight lines, group freezing, node pinning, automated arrangement of nodes, copy image" }, { "author": "Pfaeff", "title": "pfaeff-comfyui", "reference": "https://github.com/Pfaeff/pfaeff-comfyui", "files": [ "https://github.com/Pfaeff/pfaeff-comfyui" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: AstropulsePixelDetector, BackgroundRemover, ImagePadForBetterOutpaint, InpaintingPipelineLoader, Inpainting, ..." }, { "author": "wallish77", "title": "wlsh_nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/wallish77/wlsh_nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/wallish77/wlsh_nodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: Checkpoint Loader with Name, Save Prompt Info, Outpaint to Image, CLIP Positive-Negative, SDXL Quick Empty Latent, Empty Latent by Ratio, Time String, SDXL Steps, SDXL Resolutions ..." }, { "author": "Kosinkadink", "title": "ComfyUI-Advanced-ControlNet", "reference": "https://github.com/Kosinkadink/ComfyUI-Advanced-ControlNet", "files": [ "https://github.com/Kosinkadink/ComfyUI-Advanced-ControlNet" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: ControlNetLoaderAdvanced, DiffControlNetLoaderAdvanced, ScaledSoftControlNetWeights, SoftControlNetWeights, CustomControlNetWeights, SoftT2IAdapterWeights, CustomT2IAdapterWeights" }, { "author": "Kosinkadink", "title": "AnimateDiff (Kosinkadink version)", "reference": "https://github.com/Kosinkadink/ComfyUI-AnimateDiff-Evolved", "pip": ["flash_attn"], "files": [ "https://github.com/Kosinkadink/ComfyUI-AnimateDiff-Evolved" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "A forked repository that actively maintains AnimateDiff, created by ArtVentureX.Download one or more motion models from Original Models | Finetuned Models. See README for additional model links and usage. Put the model weights under ComfyUI/custom_nodes/ComfyUI-AnimateDiff-Evolved/models. You are free to rename the models, but keeping original names will ease use when sharing your workflow.
" }, { "author": "Gourieff", "title": "ReActor Node 0.1.0 for ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/Gourieff/comfyui-reactor-node", "files": [ "https://github.com/Gourieff/comfyui-reactor-node" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "The Fast and Simple 'roop-like' Face Swap Extension Node for ComfyUI, based on ReActor (ex Roop-GE) SD-WebUI Face Swap Extension" }, { "author": "imb101", "title": "FaceSwap", "reference": "https://github.com/imb101/ComfyUI-FaceSwap", "files": [ "https://github.com/imb101/ComfyUI-FaceSwap" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:FaceSwapNode. Very basic custom node to enable face swapping in ComfyUI. (roop)" }, { "author": "Chaoses-Ib", "title": "ComfyUI_Ib_CustomNodes", "reference": "https://github.com/Chaoses-Ib/ComfyUI_Ib_CustomNodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/Chaoses-Ib/ComfyUI_Ib_CustomNodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: LoadImageFromPath. Load Image From Path loads the image from the source path and does not have such problems." }, { "author": "AIrjen", "title": "One Button Prompt", "reference": "https://github.com/AIrjen/OneButtonPrompt", "files": [ "https://github.com/AIrjen/OneButtonPrompt" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "One Button Prompt has a prompt generation node for beginners who have problems writing a good prompt, or advanced users who want to get inspired. It generates an entire prompt from scratch. It is random, but controlled. You simply load up the script and press generate, and let it surprise you." }, { "author": "coreyryanhanson", "title": "ComfyQR", "reference": "https://github.com/coreyryanhanson/ComfyQR", "files": [ "https://github.com/coreyryanhanson/ComfyQR" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "QR generation within ComfyUI. Contains nodes suitable for workflows from generating basic QR images to techniques with advanced QR masking." }, { "author": "coreyryanhanson", "title": "ComfyQR-scanning-nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/coreyryanhanson/ComfyQR-scanning-nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/coreyryanhanson/ComfyQR-scanning-nodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "A set of ComfyUI nodes to quickly test generated QR codes for scannability. A companion project to ComfyQR." }, { "author": "dimtoneff", "title": "ComfyUI PixelArt Detector", "reference": "https://github.com/dimtoneff/ComfyUI-PixelArt-Detector", "files": [ "https://github.com/dimtoneff/ComfyUI-PixelArt-Detector" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "This node manipulates the pixel art image in ways that it should look pixel perfect (downscales, changes palette, upscales etc.)." }, { "author": "dimtoneff", "title": "Eagle PNGInfo", "reference": "https://github.com/hylarucoder/ComfyUI-Eagle-PNGInfo", "files": [ "https://github.com/hylarucoder/ComfyUI-Eagle-PNGInfo" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: EagleImageNode" }, { "author": "theUpsider", "title": "Styles CSV Loader Extension for ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/theUpsider/ComfyUI-Styles_CSV_Loader", "files": [ "https://github.com/theUpsider/ComfyUI-Styles_CSV_Loader" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "This extension allows users to load styles from a CSV file, primarily for migration purposes from the automatic1111 Stable Diffusion web UI." }, { "author": "M1kep", "title": "Comfy_KepListStuff", "reference": "https://github.com/M1kep/Comfy_KepListStuff", "files": [ "https://github.com/M1kep/Comfy_KepListStuff" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: Range(Step), Range(Num Steps), List Length, Image Overlay, Stack Images, Empty Images, Join Image Lists, Join Float Lists. This extension provides various list manipulation nodes" }, { "author": "M1kep", "title": "ComfyLiterals", "reference": "https://github.com/M1kep/ComfyLiterals", "files": [ "https://github.com/M1kep/ComfyLiterals" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: Int, Float, String, Operation, Checkpoint" }, { "author": "M1kep", "title": "KepPromptLang", "reference": "https://github.com/M1kep/KepPromptLang", "files": [ "https://github.com/M1kep/KepPromptLang" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: Build Gif, Special CLIP Loader. It offers various manipulation capabilities for the internal operations of the prompt." }, { "author": "uarefans", "title": "ComfyUI-Fans", "reference": "https://github.com/uarefans/ComfyUI-Fans", "files": [ "https://github.com/uarefans/ComfyUI-Fans" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: Fans Styler (Max 10 Style), Fans Text Concat (Until 10 text)." }, { "author": "NicholasMcCarthy", "title": "ComfyUI_TravelSuite", "reference": "https://github.com/NicholasMcCarthy/ComfyUI_TravelSuite", "files": [ "https://github.com/NicholasMcCarthy/ComfyUI_TravelSuite" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "ComfyUI custom nodes to apply various latent travel techniques." }, { "author": "ManglerFTW", "title": "ComfyI2I", "reference": "https://github.com/ManglerFTW/ComfyI2I", "files": [ "https://github.com/ManglerFTW/ComfyI2I" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "A set of custom nodes to perform image 2 image functions in ComfyUI." }, { "author": "theUpsider", "title": "ComfyUI-Logic", "reference": "https://github.com/theUpsider/ComfyUI-Logic", "files": [ "https://github.com/theUpsider/ComfyUI-Logic" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "An extension to ComfyUI that introduces logic nodes and conditional rendering capabilities." }, { "author": "tkoenig89", "title": "Load Image with metadata", "reference": "https://github.com/tkoenig89/ComfyUI_Load_Image_With_Metadata", "files": [ "https://github.com/tkoenig89/ComfyUI_Load_Image_With_Metadata" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "A custom node for comfy ui to read generation data from images (prompt, seed, size...). This could be used when upscaling generated images to use the original prompt and seed." }, { "author": "mpiquero7164", "title": "SaveImgPrompt", "reference": "https://github.com/mpiquero7164/ComfyUI-SaveImgPrompt", "files": [ "https://github.com/mpiquero7164/ComfyUI-SaveImgPrompt" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Save a png or jpeg and option to save prompt/workflow in a text or json file for each image in Comfy + Workflow loading." }, { "author": "m-sokes", "title": "ComfyUI Sokes Nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/m-sokes/ComfyUI-Sokes-Nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/m-sokes/ComfyUI-Sokes-Nodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: Empty Latent Randomizer (9 Inputs)" }, { "author": "Extraltodeus", "title": "noise latent perlinpinpin", "reference": "https://github.com/Extraltodeus/noise_latent_perlinpinpin", "files": [ "https://github.com/Extraltodeus/noise_latent_perlinpinpin" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: NoisyLatentPerlin. This allows to create latent spaces filled with perlin-based noise that can actually be used by the samplers." }, { "author": "JPS", "title": "JPS Custom Nodes for ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/JPS-GER/ComfyUI_JPS-Nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/JPS-GER/ComfyUI_JPS-Nodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: SDXL - Resolutions, SDXL - Basic Settings, SDXL - Additional Settings, Math - Resolution Multiply, Math - Largest Integer, Switch - TXT2IMG & IMG2IMG" }, { "author": "hustille", "title": "hus' utils for ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/hustille/ComfyUI_hus_utils", "files": [ "https://github.com/hustille/ComfyUI_hus_utils" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "ComfyUI nodes primarily for seed and filename generation" }, { "author": "hustille", "title": "ComfyUI_Fooocus_KSampler", "reference": "https://github.com/hustille/ComfyUI_Fooocus_KSampler", "files": [ "https://github.com/hustille/ComfyUI_Fooocus_KSampler" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: KSampler With Refiner (Fooocus). The KSampler from Fooocus as a ComfyUI nodeNOTE: This patches basic ComfyUI behaviour - don't use together with other samplers. Or perhaps do? Other samplers might profit from those changes ... ymmv.
" }, { "author": "badjeff", "title": "LoRA Tag Loader for ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/badjeff/comfyui_lora_tag_loader", "files": [ "https://github.com/badjeff/comfyui_lora_tag_loader" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "A ComfyUI custom node to read LoRA tag(s) from text and load it into checkpoint model." }, { "author": "rgthree", "title": "rgthree's ComfyUi Nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/rgthree/rgthree-comfy", "files": [ "https://github.com/rgthree/rgthree-comfy" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: Seed, Reroute, Context, Lora Loader Stack, Context Switch, Fast Muter. These custom nodes helps organize the building of complex workflows." }, { "author": "AIGODLIKE", "title": "AIGODLIKE-COMFYUI-TRANSLATION", "reference": "https://github.com/AIGODLIKE/AIGODLIKE-COMFYUI-TRANSLATION", "files": [ "https://github.com/AIGODLIKE/AIGODLIKE-COMFYUI-TRANSLATION" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "It provides language settings. (Contribution from users of various languages is needed due to the support for each language.)" }, { "author": "syllebra", "title": "BilboX's ComfyUI Custom Nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/syllebra/bilbox-comfyui", "files": [ "https://github.com/syllebra/bilbox-comfyui" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: BilboX's PromptGeek Photo Prompt. This provides a convenient way to compose photorealistic prompts into ComfyUI." }, { "author": "Girish Gopaul", "title": "Save Image with Generation Metadata", "reference": "https://github.com/giriss/comfy-image-saver", "files": [ "https://github.com/giriss/comfy-image-saver" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "All the tools you need to save images with their generation metadata on ComfyUI. Compatible with Civitai & Prompthero geninfo auto-detection. Works with png, jpeg and webp." }, { "author": "shingo1228", "title": "ComfyUI-send-Eagle(slim)", "reference": "https://github.com/shingo1228/ComfyUI-send-eagle-slim", "files": [ "https://github.com/shingo1228/ComfyUI-send-eagle-slim" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:Send Webp Image to Eagle. This is an extension node for ComfyUI that allows you to send generated images in webp format to Eagle. This extension node is a re-implementation of the Eagle linkage functions of the previous ComfyUI-send-Eagle node, focusing on the functions required for this node." }, { "author": "shingo1228", "title": "ComfyUI-SDXL-EmptyLatentImage", "reference": "https://github.com/shingo1228/ComfyUI-SDXL-EmptyLatentImage", "files": [ "https://github.com/shingo1228/ComfyUI-SDXL-EmptyLatentImage" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:SDXL Empty Latent Image. An extension node for ComfyUI that allows you to select a resolution from the pre-defined json files and output a Latent Image." }, { "author": "laksjdjf", "title": "IPAdapter-ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/laksjdjf/IPAdapter-ComfyUI", "files": [ "https://github.com/laksjdjf/IPAdapter-ComfyUI" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:Load IPAdapter. This custom nodes provides loader of the IP-Adapter model.NOTE: To use this extension node, you need to download the ip-adapter_sd15.bin file and place it in the custom_nodes/IPAdapter-ComfyUI/models directory. Additionally, you need to download the 'Clip vision model' from the 'Install models' menu as well.
" }, { "author": "laksjdjf", "title": "pfg-ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/laksjdjf/pfg-ComfyUI", "files": [ "https://github.com/laksjdjf/pfg-ComfyUI" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "ComfyUI version of https://github.com/laksjdjf/pfg-webui. (To use this extension, you need to download the required model file from Install Models)" }, { "author": "laksjdjf", "title": "attention-couple-ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/laksjdjf/attention-couple-ComfyUI", "files": [ "https://github.com/laksjdjf/attention-couple-ComfyUI" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:Attention couple. This is a custom node that manipulates region-specific prompts. While vanilla ComfyUI employs an area specification method based on latent couples, this node divides regions using attention layers within UNet." }, { "author": "alsritter", "title": "asymmetric-tiling-comfyui", "reference": "https://github.com/alsritter/asymmetric-tiling-comfyui", "files": [ "https://github.com/alsritter/asymmetric-tiling-comfyui" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:Asymmetric_Tiling_KSampler. " }, { "author": "meap158", "title": "GPU temperature protection", "reference": "https://github.com/meap158/ComfyUI-GPU-temperature-protection", "files": [ "https://github.com/meap158/ComfyUI-GPU-temperature-protection" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Pause image generation when GPU temperature exceeds threshold." }, { "author": "meap158", "title": "ComfyUI-Prompt-Expansion", "reference": "https://github.com/meap158/ComfyUI-Prompt-Expansion", "files": [ "https://github.com/meap158/ComfyUI-Prompt-Expansion" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Dynamic prompt expansion, powered by GPT-2 locally on your device." }, { "author": "TeaCrab", "title": "ComfyUI-TeaNodes", "reference": "https://github.com/TeaCrab/ComfyUI-TeaNodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/TeaCrab/ComfyUI-TeaNodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:TC_EqualizeCLAHE, TC_SizeApproximation, TC_ImageResize, TC_ImageScale, TC_ColorFill." }, { "author": "TeaCrab", "title": "ComfyUI-TeaNodes", "reference": "https://github.com/nagolinc/ComfyUI_FastVAEDecorder_SDXL", "files": [ "https://github.com/nagolinc/ComfyUI_FastVAEDecorder_SDXL" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:FastLatentToImage" }, { "author": "bradsec", "title": "ResolutionSelector for ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/bradsec/ComfyUI_ResolutionSelector", "files": [ "https://github.com/bradsec/ComfyUI_ResolutionSelector" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:ResolutionSelector" }, { "author": "kohya-ss", "title": "ControlNet-LLLite-ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/kohya-ss/ControlNet-LLLite-ComfyUI", "files": [ "https://github.com/kohya-ss/ControlNet-LLLite-ComfyUI" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: LLLiteLoader" }, { "author": "jjkramhoeft", "title": "ComfyUI-Jjk-Nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/jjkramhoeft/ComfyUI-Jjk-Nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/jjkramhoeft/ComfyUI-Jjk-Nodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: SDXLRecommendedImageSize, JjkText, JjkShowText, JjkConcat. A set of custom nodes for ComfyUI - focused on text and parameter utility" }, { "author": "dagthomas", "title": "SDXL Auto Prompter", "reference": "https://github.com/dagthomas/comfyui_dagthomas", "files": [ "https://github.com/dagthomas/comfyui_dagthomas" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Easy prompting for generation of endless random art pieces and photographs!" }, { "author": "marhensa", "title": "Recommended Resolution Calculator", "reference": "https://github.com/marhensa/sdxl-recommended-res-calc", "files": [ "https://github.com/marhensa/sdxl-recommended-res-calc" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Input your desired output final resolution, it will automaticaly set the initial recommended SDXL ratio/size and its Upscale Factor to reach that output final resolution, also there's an option for 2x/4x reverse Upscale Factor. These all to avoid using bad/arbitary initial ratio/resolution." }, { "author": "Nuked88", "title": "ComfyUI-N-Nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/Nuked88/ComfyUI-N-Nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/Nuked88/ComfyUI-N-Nodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "A suite of custom nodes for ComfyUI, for now i just put Integer, string and float variable nodes." }, { "author": "Extraltodeus", "title": "LoadLoraWithTags", "reference": "https://github.com/Extraltodeus/LoadLoraWithTags", "files": [ "https://github.com/Extraltodeus/LoadLoraWithTags" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:LoadLoraWithTags. Save/Load trigger words for loras from a json and auto fetch them on civitai if they are missing." }, { "author": "richinsley", "title": "Comfy-LFO", "reference": "https://github.com/richinsley/Comfy-LFO", "files": [ "https://github.com/richinsley/Comfy-LFO" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:LFO_Triangle, LFO_Sine, SawtoothNode, SquareNode, PulseNode. ComfyUI custom nodes to create Low Frequency Oscillators." }, { "author": "Beinsezii", "title": "bsz-cui-extras", "reference": "https://github.com/Beinsezii/bsz-cui-extras", "files": [ "https://github.com/Beinsezii/bsz-cui-extras" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "This extension consists of auxiliary nodes for automatic calculation of latent sizes, an all-in-one node for SDXL's t2i, i2i, and scaling/hiresfix, and nodes capable of loading the Pixelbuster library.NOTE:Currently, the Pixelbuster library includes libraries for Windows and Linux environments by default. For other environments such as OSX, you will need to build and use Pixelbuster directly from here.
" }, { "author": "youyegit", "title": "tdxh_node_comfyui", "reference": "https://github.com/youyegit/tdxh_node_comfyui", "files": [ "https://github.com/youyegit/tdxh_node_comfyui" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:TdxhImageToSize, TdxhImageToSizeAdvanced, TdxhLoraLoader, TdxhIntInput, TdxhFloatInput, TdxhStringInput. Some nodes for stable diffusion comfyui. Sometimes it helps conveniently to use less nodes for doing the same things." }, { "author": "Sxela", "title": "ComfyWarp", "reference": "https://github.com/Sxela/ComfyWarp", "files": [ "https://github.com/Sxela/ComfyWarp" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:LoadFrameSequence, LoadFrame" }, { "author": "skfoo", "title": "ComfyUI-Coziness", "reference": "https://github.com/skfoo/ComfyUI-Coziness", "files": [ "https://github.com/skfoo/ComfyUI-Coziness" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:MultiLora Loader, Lora Text Extractor. Provides a node for assisting in loading loras through text." }, { "author": "YOUR-WORST-TACO", "title": "ComfyUI-TacoNodes", "reference": "https://github.com/YOUR-WORST-TACO/ComfyUI-TacoNodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/YOUR-WORST-TACO/ComfyUI-TacoNodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:TacoLatent, TacoAnimatedLoader, TacoImg2ImgAnimatedLoader, TacoGifMaker." }, { "author": "Lerc", "title": "canvas_tab", "reference": "https://github.com/Lerc/canvas_tab", "files": [ "https://github.com/Lerc/canvas_tab" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: Edit In Another Tab. ComfyUI canvas editor page" }, { "author": "Ttl", "title": "ComfyUI Neural network latent upscale custom node", "reference": "https://github.com/Ttl/ComfyUi_NNLatentUpscale", "files": [ "https://github.com/Ttl/ComfyUi_NNLatentUpscale" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "A custom ComfyUI node designed for rapid latent upscaling using a compact neural network, eliminating the need for VAE-based decoding and encoding." }, { "author": "GeLi1989", "title": "roop nodes for ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/GeLi1989/GK-beifen-ComfyUI_roop", "files": [ "https://github.com/GeLi1989/GK-beifen-ComfyUI_roop" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "ComfyUI nodes for the roop A1111 webui script. NOTE: Need to download model to use this node." }, { "author": "spro", "title": "Latent Mirror node for ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/spro/comfyui-mirror", "files": [ "https://github.com/spro/comfyui-mirror" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: Latent Mirror. Node to mirror a latent along the Y (vertical / left to right) or X (horizontal / top to bottom) axis." }, { "author": "Vrahn", "title": "ComfyUI-MasaCtrl-Node", "reference": "https://github.com/Vrahn/ComfyUI-MasaCtrl-Node", "files": [ "https://github.com/Vrahn/ComfyUI-MasaCtrl-Node" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: MasaCtrl." }, { "author": "Tropfchen", "title": "Embedding Picker", "reference": "https://github.com/Tropfchen/ComfyUI-Embedding_Picker", "files": [ "https://github.com/Tropfchen/ComfyUI-Embedding_Picker" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Tired of forgetting and misspelling often weird names of embeddings you use? Or perhaps you use only one, cause you forgot you have tens of them installed?" }, { "author": "Acly", "title": "ComfyUI Nodes for External Tooling", "reference": "https://github.com/Acly/comfyui-tooling-nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/Acly/comfyui-tooling-nodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: Load Image (Base64), Load Mask (Base64), Send Image (WebSocket), Crop Image, Apply Mask to Image. Provides nodes geared towards using ComfyUI as a backend for external tools." }, { "author": "TRI3D-LC", "title": "tri3d-comfyui-nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/TRI3D-LC/tri3d-comfyui-nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/TRI3D-LC/tri3d-comfyui-nodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: tri3d-extract-hand." }, { "author": "picturesonpictures", "title": "comfy_PoP", "reference": "https://github.com/picturesonpictures/comfy_PoP", "files": ["https://github.com/picturesonpictures/comfy_PoP"], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "A collection of custom nodes for ComfyUI. Includes a quick canny edge detection node with unconventional settings, simple LoRA stack nodes for workflow efficiency, and a customizable aspect ratio node." }, { "author": "Dream Project", "title": "Dream Project Animation Nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/alt-key-project/comfyui-dream-project", "files": [ "https://github.com/alt-key-project/comfyui-dream-project" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "This extension offers various nodes that are useful for Deforum-like animations in ComfyUI." }, { "author": "seanlynch", "title": "ComfyUI Optical Flow", "reference": "https://github.com/seanlynch/comfyui-optical-flow", "files": [ "https://github.com/seanlynch/comfyui-optical-flow" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "This package contains three nodes to help you compute optical flow between pairs of images, usually adjacent frames in a video, visualize the flow, and apply the flow to another image of the same dimensions. Most of the code is from Deforum, so this is released under the same license (MIT)." }, { "author": "ealkanat", "title": "ComfyUI Easy Padding", "reference": "https://github.com/ealkanat/comfyui_easy_padding", "files": [ "https://github.com/ealkanat/comfyui_easy_padding" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "ComfyUI Easy Padding is a simple custom ComfyUI node that helps you to add padding to images on ComfyUI." }, { "author": "ArtBot2023", "title": "Character Face Swap", "reference": "https://github.com/ArtBot2023/CharacterFaceSwap", "files": [ "https://github.com/ArtBot2023/CharacterFaceSwap" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Character face swap with LoRA and embeddings." }, { "author": "mav-rik", "title": "Facerestore CF (Code Former)", "reference": "https://github.com/mav-rik/facerestore_cf", "files": [ "https://github.com/mav-rik/facerestore_cf" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "This is a copy of facerestore custom node with a bit of a change to support CodeFormer Fidelity parameter. These ComfyUI nodes can be used to restore faces in images similar to the face restore option in AUTOMATIC1111 webui.NOTE: This node replaces the execution of ComfyUI for iterative processing functionality.
" }, { "author": "jmkl", "title": "ComfyUI Ricing", "reference": "https://github.com/jmkl/ComfyUI-ricing", "files": [ "https://github.com/jmkl/ComfyUI-ricing" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "ComfyUI custom user.css and some script stuff. mainly for web interface." }, { "author": "budihartono", "title": "Otonx's Custom Nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/budihartono/comfyui_otonx_nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/budihartono/comfyui_otonx_nodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: OTX Multiple Values, OTX KSampler Feeder. This extension provides custom nodes for ComfyUI created for personal projects. Made available for reference. Nodes may be updated or changed intermittently or not at all. Review & test before use." }, { "author": "ramyma", "title": "A8R8 ComfyUI Nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/ramyma/A8R8_ComfyUI_nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/ramyma/A8R8_ComfyUI_nodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: Base64Image Input Node, Base64Image Output Node. A8R8 supporting nodes to integrate with ComfyUI" }, { "author": "spinagon", "title": "Seamless tiling Node for ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/spinagon/ComfyUI-seamless-tiling", "files": [ "https://github.com/spinagon/ComfyUI-seamless-tiling" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Node for generating almost seamless textures, based on similar setting from A1111." }, { "author": "chrisgoringe", "title": "Variation seeds", "reference": "https://github.com/chrisgoringe/cg-noise", "files": [ "https://github.com/chrisgoringe/cg-noise" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Adds KSampler custom nodes with variation seed and variation strength." }, { "author": "Endless Sea of Stars", "title": "Endless Nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/tusharbhutt/Endless-Nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/tusharbhutt/Endless-Nodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "A small set of nodes I created for various numerical and text inputs." }, { "author": "spacepxl", "title": "ComfyUI-HQ-Image-Save", "reference": "https://github.com/spacepxl/ComfyUI-HQ-Image-Save", "files": [ "https://github.com/spacepxl/ComfyUI-HQ-Image-Save" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Add Image Save nodes for TIFF 16 bit and EXR 32 bit formats. Probably only useful if you're applying a LUT or other color corrections, and care about preserving as much color accuracy as possible." }, { "author": "taabata", "title": "Syrian Falcon Nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/taabata/Comfy_Syrian_Falcon_Nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/taabata/Comfy_Syrian_Falcon_Nodes/raw/main/SyrianFalconNodes.py" ], "install_type": "copy", "description": "Nodes:Prompt editing, Word as Image" }, { "author": "Ser-Hilary", "title": "SDXL_sizing", "reference": "https://github.com/Ser-Hilary/SDXL_sizing", "files": [ "https://github.com/Ser-Hilary/SDXL_sizing/raw/main/conditioning_sizing_for_SDXL.py" ], "install_type": "copy", "description": "Nodes:sizing_node. Size calculation node related to image size in prompts supported by SDXL." }, { "author": "ailex000", "title": "Image Gallery", "reference": "https://github.com/ailex000/ComfyUI-Extensions", "js_path": "image-gallery", "files": [ "https://github.com/ailex000/ComfyUI-Extensions/raw/main/image-gallery/imageGallery.js" ], "install_type": "copy", "description": "Custom javascript extensions for better UX for ComfyUI. Supported nodes: PreviewImage, SaveImage. Double click on image to open." }, { "author": "rock-land", "title": "graphNavigator", "reference": "https://github.com/rock-land/graphNavigator", "js_path": "graphNavigator", "files": [ "https://github.com/rock-land/graphNavigator/raw/main/graphNavigator/graphNavigator.js" ], "install_type": "copy", "description": "ComfyUI Web Extension for saving views and navigating graphs." }, { "author": "diffus3", "title": "diffus3/ComfyUI-extensions", "reference": "https://github.com/diffus3/ComfyUI-extensions", "js_path": "diffus3", "files": [ "https://github.com/diffus3/ComfyUI-extensions/raw/main/multiReroute/multireroute.js", "https://github.com/diffus3/ComfyUI-extensions/raw/main/setget/setget.js" ], "install_type": "copy", "description": "Extensions: subgraph, setget, multiReroute" }, { "author": "m957ymj75urz", "title": "m957ymj75urz/ComfyUI-Custom-Nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/m957ymj75urz/ComfyUI-Custom-Nodes", "js_path": "m957ymj75urz", "files": [ "https://github.com/m957ymj75urz/ComfyUI-Custom-Nodes/raw/main/clip-text-encode-split/clip_text_encode_split.py", "https://github.com/m957ymj75urz/ComfyUI-Custom-Nodes/raw/main/colors/colors.js" ], "install_type": "copy", "description": "Nodes: RawText, RawTextCLIPEncode, RawTextCombine, RawTextReplace, Extension: m957ymj75urz.colors" }, { "author": "Bikecicle", "title": "Waveform Extensions", "reference": "https://github.com/Bikecicle/ComfyUI-Waveform-Extensions", "files": [ "https://github.com/Bikecicle/ComfyUI-Waveform-Extensions/raw/main/EXT_AudioManipulation.py", "https://github.com/Bikecicle/ComfyUI-Waveform-Extensions/raw/main/EXT_VariationUtils.py" ], "install_type": "copy", "description": "Some additional audio utilites for use on top of Sample Diffusion ComfyUI Extension" }, { "author": "dawangraoming", "title": "KSampler GPU", "reference": "https://github.com/dawangraoming/ComfyUI_ksampler_gpu", "files": [ "https://github.com/dawangraoming/ComfyUI_ksampler_gpu/raw/main/ksampler_gpu.py" ], "install_type": "copy", "description": "KSampler is provided, based on GPU random noise" }, { "author": "fitCorder", "title": "fcSuite", "reference": "https://github.com/fitCorder/fcSuite", "files": [ "https://github.com/fitCorder/fcSuite/raw/main/fcSuite.py" ], "install_type": "copy", "description": "fcFloatMatic is a custom module, that when configured correctly will increment through the lines generating you loras at different strengths. The JSON file will load the config." }, { "author": "lrzjason", "title": "ComfyUIJasonNode", "reference": "https://github.com/lrzjason/ComfyUIJasonNode", "files": [ "https://github.com/lrzjason/ComfyUIJasonNode/raw/main/SDXLMixSampler.py", "https://github.com/lrzjason/ComfyUIJasonNode/raw/main/LatentByRatio.py" ], "install_type": "copy", "description": "Nodes:SDXLMixSampler, LatentByRatio" }, { "author": "alpertunga-bile", "title": "prompt-generator", "reference": "https://github.com/alpertunga-bile/prompt-generator-comfyui", "files": [ "https://github.com/alpertunga-bile/prompt-generator-comfyui/raw/master/prompt_generator.py" ], "install_type": "copy", "description": "Nodes:Prompt Generator. Custom prompt generator node for ComfyUI." }, { "author": "lordgasmic", "title": "Wildcards", "reference": "https://github.com/lordgasmic/ComfyUI-Wildcards", "files": [ "https://github.com/lordgasmic/ComfyUI-Wildcards/raw/master/wildcards.py" ], "install_type": "copy", "description": "Nodes:CLIPTextEncodeWithWildcards. This wildcard node is a wildcard node that operates based on the seed." }, { "author": "throttlekitty", "title": "SDXLCustomAspectRatio", "reference": "https://github.com/throttlekitty/SDXLCustomAspectRatio", "files": [ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/throttlekitty/SDXLCustomAspectRatio/main/SDXLAspectRatio.py" ], "install_type": "copy", "description": "A quick and easy ComfyUI custom node for setting SDXL-friendly aspect ratios." }, { "author": "s1dlx", "title": "comfy_meh", "reference": "https://github.com/s1dlx/comfy_meh", "files": [ "https://github.com/s1dlx/comfy_meh/raw/main/meh.py" ], "install_type": "copy", "description": "Advanced merging methods." }, { "author": "tudal", "title": "Hakkun-ComfyUI-nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/tudal/Hakkun-ComfyUI-nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/tudal/Hakkun-ComfyUI-nodes/raw/main/hakkun_nodes.py" ], "install_type": "copy", "description": "Nodes: Prompt parser. ComfyUI extra nodes. Mostly prompt parsing." }, { "author": "SadaleNet", "title": "ComfyUI A1111-like Prompt Custom Node Solution", "reference": "https://github.com/SadaleNet/CLIPTextEncodeA1111-ComfyUI", "files": [ "https://github.com/SadaleNet/CLIPTextEncodeA1111-ComfyUI/raw/master/custom_nodes/clip_text_encoder_a1111.py" ], "install_type": "copy", "description": "Nodes: CLIPTextEncodeA1111, RerouteTextForCLIPTextEncodeA1111." }, { "author": "wsippel", "title": "SDXLResolutionPresets", "reference": "https://github.com/wsippel/comfyui_ws", "files": [ "https://github.com/wsippel/comfyui_ws/raw/main/sdxl_utility.py" ], "install_type": "copy", "description": "Nodes: SDXLResolutionPresets. Easy access to the officially supported resolutions, in both horizontal and vertical formats: 1024x1024, 1152x896, 1216x832, 1344x768, 1536x640" }, { "author": "nicolai256", "title": "comfyUI_Nodes_nicolai256", "reference": "https://github.com/nicolai256/comfyUI_Nodes_nicolai256", "files": [ "https://github.com/nicolai256/comfyUI_Nodes_nicolai256/raw/main/yugioh-presets.py" ], "install_type": "copy", "description": "Nodes: yugioh_Presets. by Nicolai256 inspired by throttlekitty SDXLAspectRatio" }, { "author": "Onierous", "title": "QRNG_Node_ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/Onierous/QRNG_Node_ComfyUI", "files": [ "https://github.com/Onierous/QRNG_Node_ComfyUI/raw/main/qrng_node.py" ], "install_type": "copy", "description": "Nodes: QRNG Node CSV. A node that takes in an array of random numbers from the ANU QRNG API and stores them locally for generating quantum random number noise_seeds in ComfyUI" }, { "author": "ntdviet", "title": "ntdviet/comfyui-ext", "reference": "https://github.com/ntdviet/comfyui-ext", "files": [ "https://github.com/ntdviet/comfyui-ext/raw/main/custom_nodes/gcLatentTunnel/gcLatentTunnel.py" ], "install_type": "copy", "description": "Nodes:LatentGarbageCollector. This ComfyUI custom node flushes the GPU cache and empty cuda interprocess memory. It's helpfull for low memory environment such as the free Google Colab, especially when the workflow VAE decode latents of the size above 1500x1500." }, { "author": "Clybius", "title": "ComfyUI-Latent-Modifiers", "reference": "https://github.com/Clybius/ComfyUI-Latent-Modifiers", "files": [ "https://github.com/Clybius/ComfyUI-Latent-Modifiers/raw/main/sampler_mega_modifier.py" ], "install_type": "copy", "description": "Nodes: Latent Diffusion Mega Modifier. ComfyUI nodes which modify the latent during the diffusion process. (Sharpness, Tonemap, Rescale, Extra Noise)" }, { "author": "theally", "title": "TheAlly's Custom Nodes", "reference": "https://civitai.com/models/19625?modelVersionId=23296", "files": [ "https://civitai.com/api/download/models/25114", "https://civitai.com/api/download/models/24679", "https://civitai.com/api/download/models/24154", "https://civitai.com/api/download/models/23884", "https://civitai.com/api/download/models/23649", "https://civitai.com/api/download/models/23467", "https://civitai.com/api/download/models/23296" ], "install_type": "unzip", "description": "Custom nodes for ComfyUI by TheAlly." }, { "author": "xss", "title": "Custom Nodes by xss", "reference": "https://civitai.com/models/24869/comfyui-custom-nodes-by-xss", "files": [ "https://civitai.com/api/download/models/32717", "https://civitai.com/api/download/models/47776", "https://civitai.com/api/download/models/29772", "https://civitai.com/api/download/models/31618", "https://civitai.com/api/download/models/31591", "https://civitai.com/api/download/models/29773", "https://civitai.com/api/download/models/29774", "https://civitai.com/api/download/models/29755", "https://civitai.com/api/download/models/29750" ], "install_type": "unzip", "description": "Various image processing nodes." }, { "author": "aimingfail", "title": "Image2Halftone Node for ComfyUI", "reference": "https://civitai.com/models/143293/image2halftone-node-for-comfyui", "files": [ "https://civitai.com/api/download/models/158997" ], "install_type": "unzip", "description": "This is a node to convert an image into a CMYK Halftone dot image." } ] }