{ "custom_nodes": [ { "author": "comfyanonymous", "title": "ComfyUI_experiments", "reference": "https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI_experiments", "files": [ "https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI_experiments" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: ModelSamplerTonemapNoiseTest, ReferenceOnlySimple, RescaleClassifierFreeGuidanceTest, ModelMergeBlockNumber, ModelMergeSDXL, ModelMergeSDXLTransformers, ModelMergeSDXLDetailedTransformers.

This is a consolidation of the previously separate custom nodes. Please delete the sampler_tonemap.py, sampler_rescalecfg.py, advanced_model_merging.py, sdxl_model_merging.py, and reference_only.py files installed in custom_nodes before.

" }, { "author": "ssitu", "title": "ComfyUI fabric", "reference": "https://github.com/ssitu/ComfyUI_fabric", "files": [ "https://github.com/ssitu/ComfyUI_fabric" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "ComfyUI nodes based on the paper 'FABRIC: Personalizing Diffusion Models with Iterative Feedback' (Feedback via Attention-Based Reference Image Conditioning)" }, { "author": "picturesonpictures", "title": "comfy_PoP", "reference": "https://github.com/picturesonpictures/comfy_PoP", "files": ["https://github.com/picturesonpictures/comfy_PoP"], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "A collection of custom nodes for ComfyUI. Includes a quick canny edge detection node with unconventional settings, simple LoRA stack nodes for workflow efficiency, and a customizable aspect ratio node." }, { "author": "TRI3D-LC", "title": "tri3d-comfyui-nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/TRI3D-LC/tri3d-comfyui-nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/TRI3D-LC/tri3d-comfyui-nodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: tri3d-extract-hand." }, { "author": "Acly", "title": "ComfyUI Nodes for External Tooling", "reference": "https://github.com/Acly/comfyui-tooling-nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/Acly/comfyui-tooling-nodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: Load Image (Base64), Load Mask (Base64), Send Image (WebSocket), Crop Image, Apply Mask to Image. Provides nodes geared towards using ComfyUI as a backend for external tools." }, { "author": "ntdviet", "title": "ntdviet/comfyui-ext", "reference": "https://github.com/ntdviet/comfyui-ext", "files": [ "https://github.com/ntdviet/comfyui-ext/raw/main/custom_nodes/gcLatentTunnel/gcLatentTunnel.py" ], "install_type": "copy", "description": "Nodes:LatentGarbageCollector. This ComfyUI custom node flushes the GPU cache and empty cuda interprocess memory. It's helpfull for low memory environment such as the free Google Colab, especially when the workflow VAE decode latents of the size above 1500x1500." }, { "author": "laksjdjf", "title": "attention-couple-ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/laksjdjf/attention-couple-ComfyUI", "files": [ "https://github.com/laksjdjf/attention-couple-ComfyUI" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:Attention couple. This is a custom node that manipulates region-specific prompts. While vanilla ComfyUI employs an area specification method based on latent couples, this node divides regions using attention layers within UNet." }, { "author": "Tropfchen", "title": "Embedding Picker", "reference": "https://github.com/Tropfchen/ComfyUI-Embedding_Picker", "files": [ "https://github.com/Tropfchen/ComfyUI-Embedding_Picker" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: Embedding Picker. Tired of forgetting and misspelling often weird names of embeddings you use? Or perhaps you use only one, cause you forgot you have tens of them installed? Try this." }, { "author": "Vrahn", "title": "ComfyUI-MasaCtrl-Node", "reference": "https://github.com/Vrahn/ComfyUI-MasaCtrl-Node", "files": [ "https://github.com/Vrahn/ComfyUI-MasaCtrl-Node" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: MasaCtrl." }, { "author": "spro", "title": "Latent Mirror node for ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/spro/comfyui-mirror", "files": [ "https://github.com/spro/comfyui-mirror" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: Latent Mirror. Node to mirror a latent along the Y (vertical / left to right) or X (horizontal / top to bottom) axis." }, { "author": "WASasquatch", "title": "PPF_Noise_ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/WASasquatch/PPF_Noise_ComfyUI", "files": [ "https://github.com/WASasquatch/PPF_Noise_ComfyUI" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: WAS_PFN_Latent. Perlin Power Fractal Noisey Latents" }, { "author": "Ttl", "title": "ComfyUI Neural network latent upscale custom node", "reference": "https://github.com/Ttl/ComfyUi_NNLatentUpscale", "files": [ "https://github.com/Ttl/ComfyUi_NNLatentUpscale" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "A custom ComfyUI node designed for rapid latent upscaling using a compact neural network, eliminating the need for VAE-based decoding and encoding." }, { "author": "GeLi1989", "title": "roop nodes for ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/GeLi1989/GK-beifen-ComfyUI_roop", "files": [ "https://github.com/GeLi1989/GK-beifen-ComfyUI_roop" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "ComfyUI nodes for the roop A1111 webui script." }, { "author": "Onierous", "title": "QRNG_Node_ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/Onierous/QRNG_Node_ComfyUI", "files": [ "https://github.com/Onierous/QRNG_Node_ComfyUI/raw/main/qrng_node.py" ], "install_type": "copy", "description": "Nodes: QRNG Node CSV. A node that takes in an array of random numbers from the ANU QRNG API and stores them locally for generating quantum random number noise_seeds in ComfyUI" }, { "author": "Lerc", "title": "canvas_tab", "reference": "https://github.com/Lerc/canvas_tab", "files": [ "https://github.com/Lerc/canvas_tab" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: Edit In Another Tab. ComfyUI canvas editor page" }, { "author": "YOUR-WORST-TACO", "title": "ComfyUI-TacoNodes", "reference": "https://github.com/YOUR-WORST-TACO/ComfyUI-TacoNodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/YOUR-WORST-TACO/ComfyUI-TacoNodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:TacoLatent, TacoAnimatedLoader, TacoImg2ImgAnimatedLoader, TacoGifMaker." }, { "author": "skfoo", "title": "ComfyUI-Coziness", "reference": "https://github.com/skfoo/ComfyUI-Coziness", "files": [ "https://github.com/skfoo/ComfyUI-Coziness" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:MultiLora Loader, Lora Text Extractor. Provides a node for assisting in loading loras through text." }, { "author": "Fannovel16", "title": "ComfyUI-Loopchain", "reference": "https://github.com/Fannovel16/ComfyUI-Loopchain", "files": [ "https://github.com/Fannovel16/ComfyUI-Loopchain" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: EmptyLatentImageLoop" }, { "author": "Sxela", "title": "ComfyWarp", "reference": "https://github.com/Sxela/ComfyWarp", "files": [ "https://github.com/Sxela/ComfyWarp" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:LoadFrameSequence, LoadFrame" }, { "author": "Beinsezii", "title": "bsz-cui-extras", "reference": "https://github.com/Beinsezii/bsz-cui-extras", "files": [ "https://github.com/Beinsezii/bsz-cui-extras" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "This extension consists of auxiliary nodes for automatic calculation of latent sizes, an all-in-one node for SDXL's t2i, i2i, and scaling/hiresfix, and nodes capable of loading the Pixelbuster library.

NOTE:Currently, the Pixelbuster library includes libraries for Windows and Linux environments by default. For other environments such as OSX, you will need to build and use Pixelbuster directly from here.

" }, { "author": "richinsley", "title": "Comfy-LFO", "reference": "https://github.com/richinsley/Comfy-LFO", "files": [ "https://github.com/richinsley/Comfy-LFO" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:LFO_Triangle, LFO_Sine, SawtoothNode, SquareNode, PulseNode. ComfyUI custom nodes to create Low Frequency Oscillators." }, { "author": "Extraltodeus", "title": "LoadLoraWithTags", "reference": "https://github.com/Extraltodeus/LoadLoraWithTags", "files": [ "https://github.com/Extraltodeus/LoadLoraWithTags" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:LoadLoraWithTags. Save/Load trigger words for loras from a json and auto fetch them on civitai if they are missing." }, { "author": "Nuked88", "title": "ComfyUI-N-Nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/Nuked88/ComfyUI-N-Nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/Nuked88/ComfyUI-N-Nodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "A suite of custom nodes for ComfyUI, for now i just put Integer, string and float variable nodes." }, { "author": "dagthomas", "title": "SDXL Auto Prompter", "reference": "https://github.com/dagthomas/comfyui_dagthomas", "files": [ "https://github.com/dagthomas/comfyui_dagthomas" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Easy prompting for generation of endless random art pieces and photographs!" }, { "author": "marhensa", "title": "Recommended Resolution Calculator", "reference": "https://github.com/marhensa/sdxl-recommended-res-calc", "files": [ "https://github.com/marhensa/sdxl-recommended-res-calc" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Input your desired output final resolution, it will automaticaly set the initial recommended SDXL ratio/size and its Upscale Factor to reach that output final resolution, also there's an option for 2x/4x reverse Upscale Factor. These all to avoid using bad/arbitary initial ratio/resolution." }, { "author": "kohya-ss", "title": "ControlNet-LLLite-ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/kohya-ss/ControlNet-LLLite-ComfyUI", "files": [ "https://github.com/kohya-ss/ControlNet-LLLite-ComfyUI" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: LLLiteLoader" }, { "author": "jjkramhoeft", "title": "ComfyUI-Jjk-Nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/jjkramhoeft/ComfyUI-Jjk-Nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/jjkramhoeft/ComfyUI-Jjk-Nodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: SDXLRecommendedImageSize, JjkText, JjkShowText, JjkConcat. A set of custom nodes for ComfyUI - focused on text and parameter utility" }, { "author": "bradsec", "title": "ResolutionSelector for ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/bradsec/ComfyUI_ResolutionSelector", "files": [ "https://github.com/bradsec/ComfyUI_ResolutionSelector" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:ResolutionSelector" }, { "author": "Stability-AI", "title": "stability-ComfyUI-nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/Stability-AI/stability-ComfyUI-nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/Stability-AI/stability-ComfyUI-nodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: ColorBlend, ControlLoraSave, GetImageSize. NOTE: Control-LoRA reccolor example uses these nodes." }, { "author": "TeaCrab", "title": "ComfyUI-TeaNodes", "reference": "https://github.com/nagolinc/ComfyUI_FastVAEDecorder_SDXL", "files": [ "https://github.com/nagolinc/ComfyUI_FastVAEDecorder_SDXL" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:FastLatentToImage" }, { "author": "nicolai256", "title": "comfyUI_Nodes_nicolai256", "reference": "https://github.com/nicolai256/comfyUI_Nodes_nicolai256", "files": [ "https://github.com/nicolai256/comfyUI_Nodes_nicolai256/raw/main/yugioh-presets.py" ], "install_type": "copy", "description": "Nodes: yugioh_Presets. by Nicolai256 inspired by throttlekitty SDXLAspectRatio" }, { "author": "meap158", "title": "GPU temperature protection", "reference": "https://github.com/meap158/ComfyUI-GPU-temperature-protection", "files": [ "https://github.com/meap158/ComfyUI-GPU-temperature-protection" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Pause image generation when GPU temperature exceeds threshold." }, { "author": "alsritter", "title": "asymmetric-tiling-comfyui", "reference": "https://github.com/alsritter/asymmetric-tiling-comfyui", "files": [ "https://github.com/alsritter/asymmetric-tiling-comfyui" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:Asymmetric_Tiling_KSampler. " }, { "author": "laksjdjf", "title": "IPAdapter-ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/laksjdjf/IPAdapter-ComfyUI", "files": [ "https://github.com/laksjdjf/IPAdapter-ComfyUI" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:Load IPAdapter. This custom nodes provides loader of the IP-Adapter model.

NOTE: To use this extension node, you need to download the ip-adapter_sd15.bin file and place it in the custom_nodes/IPAdapter-ComfyUI/models directory. Additionally, you need to download the 'Clip vision model' from the 'Install models' menu as well.

" }, { "author": "laksjdjf", "title": "pfg-ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/laksjdjf/pfg-ComfyUI", "files": [ "https://github.com/laksjdjf/pfg-ComfyUI" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "ComfyUI version of https://github.com/laksjdjf/pfg-webui. (To use this extension, you need to download the required model file from Install Models)" }, { "author": "Girish Gopaul", "title": "Save Image with Generation Metadata", "reference": "https://github.com/giriss/comfy-image-saver", "files": [ "https://github.com/giriss/comfy-image-saver" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "All the tools you need to save images with their generation metadata on ComfyUI. Compatible with Civitai & Prompthero geninfo auto-detection. Works with png, jpeg and webp." }, { "author": "shingo1228", "title": "ComfyUI-send-Eagle(slim)", "reference": "https://github.com/shingo1228/ComfyUI-send-eagle-slim", "files": [ "https://github.com/shingo1228/ComfyUI-send-eagle-slim" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:Send Webp Image to Eagle. This is an extension node for ComfyUI that allows you to send generated images in webp format to Eagle. This extension node is a re-implementation of the Eagle linkage functions of the previous ComfyUI-send-Eagle node, focusing on the functions required for this node." }, { "author": "shingo1228", "title": "ComfyUI-SDXL-EmptyLatentImage", "reference": "https://github.com/shingo1228/ComfyUI-SDXL-EmptyLatentImage", "files": [ "https://github.com/shingo1228/ComfyUI-SDXL-EmptyLatentImage" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes:SDXL Empty Latent Image. An extension node for ComfyUI that allows you to select a resolution from the pre-defined json files and output a Latent Image." }, { "author": "syllebra", "title": "BilboX's ComfyUI Custom Nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/syllebra/bilbox-comfyui", "files": [ "https://github.com/syllebra/bilbox-comfyui" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: BilboX's PromptGeek Photo Prompt. This provides a convenient way to compose photorealistic prompts into ComfyUI." }, { "author": "Fannovel16", "title": "(WIP) ComfyUI's ControlNet Preprocessors auxiliary models", "reference": "https://github.com/Fannovel16/comfyui_controlnet_aux", "files": [ "https://github.com/Fannovel16/comfyui_controlnet_aux" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "This is a WIP rework of comfyui_controlnet_preprocessors based on ControlNet auxiliary models by 🤗. I think the old repo isn't good enough to maintain. All old workflow will still be work with this repo but the version option won't do anything. Almost all v1 preprocessors are replaced by v1.1 except those doesn't appear in v1.1.

NOTE: Please refrain from using the controlnet preprocessor alongside this installation, as it may lead to conflicts and prevent proper recognition.

" }, { "author": "hustille", "title": "ComfyUI_Fooocus_KSampler", "reference": "https://github.com/hustille/ComfyUI_Fooocus_KSampler", "files": [ "https://github.com/hustille/ComfyUI_Fooocus_KSampler" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: KSampler With Refiner (Fooocus). The KSampler from Fooocus as a ComfyUI node

NOTE: This patches basic ComfyUI behaviour - don't use together with other samplers. Or perhaps do? Other samplers might profit from those changes ... ymmv.

" }, { "author": "city96", "title": "SD-Latent-Upscaler", "reference": "https://github.com/city96/SD-Latent-Upscaler", "files": [ "https://github.com/city96/SD-Latent-Upscaler" ], "pip": ["huggingface-hub"], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Upscaling stable diffusion latents using a small neural network." }, { "author": "JPS-GER", "title": "JPS Custom Nodes for ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/JPS-GER/ComfyUI_JPS-Nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/JPS-GER/ComfyUI_JPS-Nodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: SDXL - Resolutions, SDXL - Basic Settings, SDXL - Additional Settings, Math - Resolution Multiply, Math - Largest Integer, Switch - Generation Mode, ..." }, { "author": "hustille", "title": "hus' utils for ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/hustille/ComfyUI_hus_utils", "files": [ "https://github.com/hustille/ComfyUI_hus_utils" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "ComfyUI nodes primarily for seed and filename generation" }, { "author": "m-sokes", "title": "ComfyUI Sokes Nodes", "reference": "https://github.com/m-sokes/ComfyUI-Sokes-Nodes", "files": [ "https://github.com/m-sokes/ComfyUI-Sokes-Nodes" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: Empty Latent Randomizer (9 Inputs)" }, { "author": "Extraltodeus", "title": "noise latent perlinpinpin", "reference": "https://github.com/Extraltodeus/noise_latent_perlinpinpin", "files": [ "https://github.com/Extraltodeus/noise_latent_perlinpinpin" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: NoisyLatentPerlin. This allows to create latent spaces filled with perlin-based noise that can actually be used by the samplers." }, { "author": "theUpsider", "title": "ComfyUI-Logic", "reference": "https://github.com/theUpsider/ComfyUI-Logic", "files": [ "https://github.com/theUpsider/ComfyUI-Logic" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "An extension to ComfyUI that introduces logic nodes and conditional rendering capabilities." }, { "author": "tkoenig89", "title": "Load Image with metadata", "reference": "https://github.com/tkoenig89/ComfyUI_Load_Image_With_Metadata", "files": [ "https://github.com/tkoenig89/ComfyUI_Load_Image_With_Metadata" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "A custom node for comfy ui to read generation data from images (only png for now). This could be used for upscaling generated images, when the original prompts should be used." }, { "author": "mpiquero7164", "title": "SaveImgPrompt", "reference": "https://github.com/mpiquero7164/ComfyUI-SaveImgPrompt", "files": [ "https://github.com/mpiquero7164/ComfyUI-SaveImgPrompt" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Save a png or jpeg and option to save prompt/workflow in a text or json file for each image in Comfy + Workflow loading." }, { "author": "city96", "title": "SD-Advanced-Noise", "reference": "https://github.com/city96/SD-Advanced-Noise", "files": [ "https://github.com/city96/SD-Advanced-Noise" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: LatentGaussianNoise, MathEncode. An experimental custom node that generates latent noise directly by utilizing the linear characteristics of the latent space." }, { "author": "WASasquatch", "title": "ComfyUI Preset Merger", "reference": "https://github.com/WASasquatch/ComfyUI_Preset_Merger", "files": [ "https://github.com/WASasquatch/ComfyUI_Preset_Merger" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: ModelMergeByPreset. Merge checkpoint models by preset" }, { "author": "jamesWalker55", "title": "Various ComfyUI Nodes by Type", "reference": "https://github.com/jamesWalker55/comfyui-various", "files": [ "https://github.com/jamesWalker55/comfyui-various" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: JWInteger, JWFloat, JWString, JWImageLoadRGB, JWImageResize, ..." }, { "author": "NicholasMcCarthy", "title": "ComfyUI_TravelSuite", "reference": "https://github.com/NicholasMcCarthy/ComfyUI_TravelSuite", "files": [ "https://github.com/NicholasMcCarthy/ComfyUI_TravelSuite" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "ComfyUI custom nodes to apply various latent travel techniques." }, { "author": "ManglerFTW", "title": "ComfyI2I", "reference": "https://github.com/ManglerFTW/ComfyI2I", "files": [ "https://github.com/ManglerFTW/ComfyI2I" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "A set of custom nodes to perform image 2 image functions in ComfyUI." }, { "author": "city96", "title": "Latent-Interposer", "reference": "https://github.com/city96/SD-Latent-Interposer", "files": [ "https://github.com/city96/SD-Latent-Interposer" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Custom node to convert the lantents between SDXL and SD v1.5 directly without the VAE decoding/encoding step." }, { "author": "coreyryanhanson", "title": "ComfyQR", "reference": "https://github.com/coreyryanhanson/ComfyQR", "files": [ "https://github.com/coreyryanhanson/ComfyQR" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "QR generation within ComfyUI. Contains nodes suitable for workflows from generating basic QR images to techniques with advanced QR masking." }, { "author": "uarefans", "title": "ComfyUI-Fans", "reference": "https://github.com/uarefans/ComfyUI-Fans", "files": [ "https://github.com/uarefans/ComfyUI-Fans" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: Fans Styler (Max 10 Style), Fans Text Concat (Until 10 text)." }, { "author": "theUpsider", "title": "Styles CSV Loader Extension for ComfyUI", "reference": "https://github.com/theUpsider/ComfyUI-Styles_CSV_Loader", "files": [ "https://github.com/theUpsider/ComfyUI-Styles_CSV_Loader" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "This extension allows users to load styles from a CSV file, primarily for migration purposes from the automatic1111 Stable Diffusion web UI." }, { "author": "M1kep", "title": "ComfyLiterals", "reference": "https://github.com/M1kep/ComfyLiterals", "files": [ "https://github.com/M1kep/ComfyLiterals" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: Int, Float, String, Operation, Checkpoint" }, { "author": "dimtoneff", "title": "ComfyUI PixelArt Detector", "reference": "https://github.com/dimtoneff/ComfyUI-PixelArt-Detector", "files": [ "https://github.com/dimtoneff/ComfyUI-PixelArt-Detector" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "This node manipulates the pixel art image in ways that it should look pixel perfect (downscales, changes palette, upscales etc.)." }, { "author": "dimtoneff", "title": "Eagle PNGInfo", "reference": "https://github.com/hylarucoder/ComfyUI-Eagle-PNGInfo", "files": [ "https://github.com/hylarucoder/ComfyUI-Eagle-PNGInfo" ], "install_type": "git-clone", "description": "Nodes: EagleImageNode" } ] }