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"BNK_CLIPTextEncodeSDXLAdvanced" ], { "title_aux": "Advanced CLIP Text Encode" } ], "https://github.com/BlenderNeko/ComfyUI_Cutoff": [ [ "BNK_CutoffBasePrompt", "BNK_CutoffRegionsToConditioning", "BNK_CutoffRegionsToConditioning_ADV", "BNK_CutoffSetRegions" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI Cutoff" } ], "https://github.com/BlenderNeko/ComfyUI_Noise": [ [ "BNK_DuplicateBatchIndex", "BNK_GetSigma", "BNK_InjectNoise", "BNK_NoisyLatentImage", "BNK_SlerpLatent", "BNK_Unsampler" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI Noise" } ], "https://github.com/BlenderNeko/ComfyUI_SeeCoder": [ [ "ConcatConditioning", "SEECoderImageEncode" ], { "title_aux": "SeeCoder [WIP]" } ], "https://github.com/BlenderNeko/ComfyUI_TiledKSampler": [ [ "BNK_TiledKSampler", "BNK_TiledKSamplerAdvanced" ], { "title_aux": "Tiled sampling for ComfyUI" } ], "https://github.com/Chaoses-Ib/ComfyUI_Ib_CustomNodes": [ [ "LoadImageFromPath" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI_Ib_CustomNodes" } ], "https://github.com/Clybius/ComfyUI-Latent-Modifiers/raw/main/sampler_mega_modifier.py": [ [ "Latent Diffusion Mega Modifier" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI-Latent-Modifiers" } ], "https://github.com/Davemane42/ComfyUI_Dave_CustomNode": [ [ "ABGRemover", "ConditioningStretch", "ConditioningUpscale", "MultiAreaConditioning", "MultiLatentComposite" ], { "title_aux": "Visual Area Conditioning / Latent composition" } ], "https://github.com/Derfuu/Derfuu_ComfyUI_ModdedNodes": [ [ "ABSNode_DF", "Absolute value", "Ceil", "CeilNode_DF", "Conditioning area scale by ratio", "ConditioningSetArea with tuples", "ConditioningSetAreaEXT_DF", "ConditioningSetArea_DF", "CosNode_DF", "Cosines", "Divide", "DivideNode_DF", "EmptyLatentImage_DF", "Float", "Float debug print", "Float2Tuple_DF", "FloatDebugPrint_DF", "FloatNode_DF", "Floor", "FloorNode_DF", "Get image size", "Get latent size", "GetImageSize_DF", "GetLatentSize_DF", "Image scale by ratio", "Image scale to side", "ImageScale_Ratio_DF", "ImageScale_Side_DF", "Int debug print", "Int to float", "Int to tuple", "Int2Float_DF", "IntDebugPrint_DF", "Integer", "IntegerNode_DF", "Latent Scale by ratio", "Latent Scale to side", "LatentComposite with tuples", "LatentScale_Ratio_DF", "LatentScale_Side_DF", "MultilineStringNode_DF", "Multiply", "MultiplyNode_DF", "PowNode_DF", "Power", "Random", "RandomFloat_DF", "SinNode_DF", "Sinus", "SqrtNode_DF", "Square root", "String debug print", "StringNode_DF", "Subtract", "SubtractNode_DF", "Sum", "SumNode_DF", "TanNode_DF", "Tangent", "Text", "Text box", "Tuple", "Tuple debug print", "Tuple multiply", "Tuple swap", "Tuple to floats", "Tuple to ints", "Tuple2Float_DF", "TupleDebugPrint_DF", "TupleNode_DF" ], { "title_aux": "Derfuu_ComfyUI_ModdedNodes" } ], "https://github.com/EllangoK/ComfyUI-post-processing-nodes": [ [ "ArithmeticBlend", "AsciiArt", "Blend", "Blur", "CannyEdgeMask", "ChromaticAberration", "ColorCorrect", "ColorTint", "Dissolve", "Dither", "DodgeAndBurn", "FilmGrain", "Glow", "HSVThresholdMask", "KMeansQuantize", "KuwaharaBlur", "Parabolize", "PencilSketch", "PixelSort", "Pixelize", "Quantize", "Sharpen", "SineWave", "Solarize", "Vignette" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI-post-processing-nodes" } ], "https://github.com/Extraltodeus/LoadLoraWithTags": [ [ "LoraLoaderTagsQuery" ], { "title_aux": "LoadLoraWithTags" } ], "https://github.com/Extraltodeus/noise_latent_perlinpinpin": [ [ "NoisyLatentPerlin" ], { "title_aux": "noise latent perlinpinpin" } ], "https://github.com/Fannovel16/ComfyUI-Frame-Interpolation": [ [ "AMT VFI", "ESAI VFI", "GMFSS Fortuna VFI", "IFRNet VFI", "IFUnet VFI", "KSampler Gradually Adding More Denoise (efficient)", "M2M VFI", "RIFE VFI", "Sepconv VFI" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI Frame Interpolation" } ], "https://github.com/Fannovel16/ComfyUI-Loopchain": [ [ "EmptyLatentImageLoop", "FolderToImageStorage", "ImageStorageExportLoop", "ImageStorageImport", "ImageStorageReset", "LatentStorageExportLoop", "LatentStorageImport", "LatentStorageReset" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI Loopchain" } ], "https://github.com/Fannovel16/comfyui_controlnet_aux": [ [ "AIO_Preprocessor", "AnimeLineArtPreprocessor", "BAE-NormalMapPreprocessor", "BinaryPreprocessor", "CannyEdgePreprocessor", "ColorPreprocessor", "DWPreprocessor", "FakeScribblePreprocessor", "HEDPreprocessor", "InpaintPreprocessor", "LeReS-DepthMapPreprocessor", "LineArtPreprocessor", "M-LSDPreprocessor", "Manga2Anime_LineArt_Preprocessor", "MediaPipe-FaceMeshPreprocessor", "MiDaS-DepthMapPreprocessor", "MiDaS-NormalMapPreprocessor", "OneFormer-ADE20K-SemSegPreprocessor", "OneFormer-COCO-SemSegPreprocessor", "OpenposePreprocessor", "PiDiNetPreprocessor", "SAMPreprocessor", "ScribblePreprocessor", "Scribble_XDoG_Preprocessor", "SemSegPreprocessor", "ShufflePreprocessor", "TilePreprocessor", "UniFormer-SemSegPreprocessor", "Zoe-DepthMapPreprocessor" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI's ControlNet Auxiliary Preprocessors" } ], "https://github.com/FizzleDorf/AIT": [ [ "AITemplateControlNetLoader", "AITemplateEmptyLatentImage", "AITemplateLatentUpscale", "AITemplateLoader", "AITemplateVAEDecode", "AITemplateVAEEncode", "AITemplateVAEEncodeForInpaint" ], { "title_aux": "AIT" } ], "https://github.com/FizzleDorf/ComfyUI_FizzNodes": [ [ "AbsCosWave", "AbsSinWave", "CosWave", "InvCosWave", "InvSinWave", "Lerp", "PromptSchedule", "PromptScheduleEncodeSDXL", "PromptScheduleNodeFlow", "PromptScheduleNodeFlowEnd", "SawtoothWave", "SinWave", "SquareWave", "StringSchedule", "TriangleWave", "ValueSchedule" ], { "title_aux": "FizzNodes" } ], "https://github.com/GeLi1989/GK-beifen-ComfyUI_roop": [ [ "roop" ], { "title_aux": "roop nodes for ComfyUI" } ], "https://github.com/Gourieff/comfyui-reactor-node": [ [ "ReActorFaceSwap" ], { "title_aux": "ReActor Node 0.1.0 for ComfyUI" } ], "https://github.com/JPS-GER/ComfyUI_JPS-Nodes": [ [ "Conditioning Switch (JPS)", "ControlNet Switch (JPS)", "Disable Enable Switch (JPS)", "Enable Disable Switch (JPS)", "Generation Settings (JPS)", "Generation Settings Pipe (JPS)", "Generation TXT IMG Settings (JPS)", "Get Date Time String (JPS)", "Get Image Size (JPS)", "IP Adapter Settings (JPS)", "IP Adapter Settings Pipe (JPS)", "Image Switch (JPS)", "Images Masks MultiPipe (JPS)", "Integer Switch (JPS)", "Largest Int (JPS)", "Latent Switch (JPS)", "Lora Loader (JPS)", "Model Switch (JPS)", "Multiply Float Float (JPS)", "Multiply Int Float (JPS)", "Multiply Int Int (JPS)", "Resolution Multiply (JPS)", "Revision Settings (JPS)", "Revision Settings Pipe (JPS)", "SDXL Basic Settings (JPS)", "SDXL Basic Settings Pipe (JPS)", "SDXL Fundamentals MultiPipe (JPS)", "SDXL Prompt Handling (JPS)", "SDXL Prompt Styler (JPS)", "SDXL Recommended Resolution Calc (JPS)", "SDXL Resolutions (JPS)", "Sampler Scheduler Settings (JPS)", "Substract Int Int (JPS)", "Text Concatenate (JPS)", "VAE Switch (JPS)" ], { "title_aux": "JPS Custom Nodes for ComfyUI" } ], "https://github.com/Jcd1230/rembg-comfyui-node": [ [ "Image Remove 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"https://github.com/Kosinkadink/ComfyUI-AnimateDiff-Evolved": [ [ "ADE_AnimateDiffCombine", "ADE_AnimateDiffLoaderLegacy", "ADE_AnimateDiffUnload", "AnimateDiffLoaderV1", "CheckpointLoaderSimpleWithNoiseSelect" ], { "title_aux": "AnimateDiff (Kosinkadink version)" } ], "https://github.com/LEv145/images-grid-comfy-plugin": [ [ "GridAnnotation", "ImageCombine", "ImagesGridByColumns", "ImagesGridByRows", "LatentCombine" ], { "title_aux": "ImagesGrid" } ], "https://github.com/Lerc/canvas_tab": [ [ "Canvas_Tab", "Send_To_Editor" ], { "title_aux": "canvas_tab" } ], "https://github.com/LucianoCirino/efficiency-nodes-comfyui": [ [ "Apply ControlNet Stack", "Control Net Stacker", "Eff. Loader SDXL", "Efficient Loader", "HighRes-Fix Script", "Image Overlay", "Join XY Inputs of Same Type", "KSampler (Efficient)", "KSampler Adv. (Efficient)", "KSampler SDXL (Eff.)", "LoRA Stacker", "Manual XY Entry Info", "Pack SDXL Tuple", "Refiner Extras", "Unpack SDXL Tuple", "XY Input: Add/Return Noise", "XY Input: Aesthetic Score", "XY Input: CFG Scale", "XY Input: Checkpoint", "XY Input: Clip Skip", "XY Input: Control Net", "XY Input: Control Net Plot", "XY Input: Denoise", "XY Input: LoRA", "XY Input: LoRA Plot", "XY Input: LoRA Stacks", "XY Input: Manual XY Entry", "XY Input: Prompt S/R", "XY Input: Refiner On/Off", "XY Input: Sampler/Scheduler", "XY Input: Seeds++ Batch", "XY Input: Steps", "XY Input: VAE", "XY Plot" ], { "title_aux": "Efficiency Nodes for ComfyUI" } ], "https://github.com/M1kep/ComfyLiterals": [ [ "Checkpoint", "Float", "Int", "Operation", "String" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyLiterals" } ], "https://github.com/M1kep/Comfy_KepListStuff": [ [ "Empty Images", "Image Overlay", "Join Float Lists", "Join Image Lists", "List Length", "Range(Num Steps) - Float", "Range(Num Steps) - Int", "Range(Step) - Float", "Range(Step) - Int", "Stack Images" ], { "title_aux": "Comfy_KepListStuff" } ], "https://github.com/M1kep/KepPromptLang": [ [ "Build Gif", "Special CLIP Loader" ], { "title_aux": "KepPromptLang" } ], "https://github.com/ManglerFTW/ComfyI2I": [ [ "Color Transfer", "Combine and Paste", "Inpaint Segments", "Mask Ops" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyI2I" } ], "https://github.com/NicholasMcCarthy/ComfyUI_TravelSuite": [ [ "LatentTravel" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI_TravelSuite" } ], "https://github.com/Nourepide/ComfyUI-Allor": [ [ "AlphaChanelAdd", "AlphaChanelAddByMask", "AlphaChanelAsMask", "AlphaChanelRemove", "AlphaChanelRestore", "ClipClamp", "ClipVisionClamp", "ClipVisionOutputClamp", "ConditioningClamp", "ControlNetClamp", "GligenClamp", "ImageBatchFork", "ImageBatchGet", "ImageBatchJoin", "ImageBatchRemove", "ImageClamp", "ImageCompositeAbsolute", "ImageCompositeAbsoluteByContainer", "ImageCompositeRelative", "ImageCompositeRelativeByContainer", "ImageContainer", 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"ImageFilterGaussianBlurAdvanced", "ImageFilterMax", "ImageFilterMedianBlur", "ImageFilterMin", "ImageFilterMode", "ImageFilterRank", "ImageFilterSharpen", "ImageFilterSmooth", "ImageFilterSmoothMore", "ImageFilterStackBlur", "ImageNoiseBeta", "ImageNoiseBinomial", "ImageNoiseBytes", "ImageNoiseGaussian", "ImageSegmentation", "ImageSegmentationCustom", "ImageSegmentationCustomAdvanced", "ImageText", "ImageTextMultiline", "ImageTextMultilineOutlined", "ImageTextOutlined", "ImageTransformCropAbsolute", "ImageTransformCropCorners", "ImageTransformCropRelative", "ImageTransformPaddingAbsolute", "ImageTransformPaddingRelative", "ImageTransformResizeAbsolute", "ImageTransformResizeRelative", "ImageTransformRotate", "ImageTransformTranspose", "LatentClamp", "MaskClamp", "ModelClamp", "StyleModelClamp", "UpscaleModelClamp", "VaeClamp" ], { "title_aux": "Allor Plugin" } ], "https://github.com/Nuked88/ComfyUI-N-Nodes": [ [ "DynamicPrompt", "Float Variable", "GPT Loader Simple", "GPTSampler", "Integer Variable", "String Variable" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI-N-Nodes" } ], "https://github.com/Onierous/QRNG_Node_ComfyUI/raw/main/qrng_node.py": [ [ "QRNG_Node_CSV" ], { "title_aux": "QRNG_Node_ComfyUI" } ], "https://github.com/Pfaeff/pfaeff-comfyui": [ [ "AstropulsePixelDetector", "BackgroundRemover", "ImagePadForBetterOutpaint", "Inpainting", "InpaintingPipelineLoader" ], { "title_aux": "pfaeff-comfyui" } ], "https://github.com/RockOfFire/CR_Animation_Nodes": [ [ "CR Central Schedule", "CR Current Frame", "CR Cycle Images", "CR Cycle Images Simple", "CR Cycle LoRAs", "CR Cycle Models", "CR Cycle Text", "CR Cycle Text Simple", "CR Debatch Frames", "CR Gradient Float", "CR Gradient Integer", "CR Image List", "CR Image List Simple", "CR Increment Float", "CR Increment Integer", "CR Index Increment", "CR Index Multiply", "CR Index Reset", "CR Input Text List", "CR Interpolate Latents", "CR Keyframe List", "CR LoRA List", "CR Load Animation Frames", "CR Load Scheduled LoRAs", "CR 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Output", "CR Image Pipe Edit", "CR Image Pipe In", "CR Image Pipe Out", "CR Image Size", "CR Img2Img Process Switch", "CR Integer Multiple", "CR Integer To String", "CR Latent Batch Size", "CR Latent Input Switch", "CR LoRA Stack", "CR Load LoRA", "CR Model Input Switch", "CR Model Merge Stack", "CR Module Input", "CR Module Output", "CR Module Pipe Loader", "CR Multi-ControlNet Stack", "CR Pipe Switch", "CR Process Switch", "CR SD1.5 Aspect Ratio", "CR SDXL Aspect Ratio", "CR SDXL Base Prompt Encoder", "CR SDXL Prompt Mix Presets", "CR SDXL Prompt Mixer", "CR SDXL Style Text", "CR Seed", "CR Seed to Int", "CR Switch Model and CLIP", "CR Text Input Switch", "CR Text Input Switch (4 way)" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI_Comfyroll_CustomNodes" } ], "https://github.com/SLAPaper/ComfyUI-Image-Selector": [ [ "ImageDuplicator", "ImageSelector", "LatentDuplicator", "LatentSelector" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI-Image-Selector" } ], "https://github.com/SOELexicon/ComfyUI-LexMSDBNodes": [ [ "MSSqlSelectNode", "MSSqlTableNode" ], { "title_aux": "LexMSDBNodes" } ], "https://github.com/SadaleNet/CLIPTextEncodeA1111-ComfyUI/raw/master/custom_nodes/clip_text_encoder_a1111.py": [ [ "CLIPTextEncodeA1111", "RerouteTextForCLIPTextEncodeA1111" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI A1111-like Prompt Custom Node Solution" } ], "https://github.com/SeargeDP/SeargeSDXL": [ [ "SeargeAdvancedParameters", "SeargeCheckpointLoader", "SeargeConditionMixing", "SeargeConditioningMuxer2", "SeargeConditioningMuxer5", "SeargeConditioningParameters", "SeargeControlnetAdapterV2", "SeargeControlnetModels", "SeargeCustomAfterUpscaling", "SeargeCustomAfterVaeDecode", "SeargeCustomPromptMode", "SeargeDebugPrinter", "SeargeEnablerInputs", "SeargeFloatConstant", "SeargeFloatMath", "SeargeFloatPair", "SeargeGenerated1", "SeargeGenerationParameters", "SeargeHighResolution", "SeargeImage2ImageAndInpainting", "SeargeImageAdapterV2", "SeargeImageSave", "SeargeImageSaving", "SeargeInput1", "SeargeInput2", "SeargeInput3", "SeargeInput4", "SeargeInput5", "SeargeInput6", "SeargeInput7", "SeargeIntegerConstant", "SeargeIntegerMath", "SeargeIntegerPair", "SeargeIntegerScaler", "SeargeLatentMuxer3", "SeargeLoraLoader", "SeargeLoras", "SeargeMagicBox", "SeargeModelSelector", "SeargeOperatingMode", "SeargeOutput1", "SeargeOutput2", "SeargeOutput3", "SeargeOutput4", "SeargeOutput5", "SeargeOutput6", "SeargeOutput7", "SeargeParameterProcessor", "SeargePipelineStart", "SeargePipelineTerminator", "SeargePreviewImage", "SeargePromptAdapterV2", "SeargePromptCombiner", "SeargePromptStyles", "SeargePromptText", "SeargeSDXLBasePromptEncoder", "SeargeSDXLImage2ImageSampler", "SeargeSDXLImage2ImageSampler2", "SeargeSDXLPromptEncoder", "SeargeSDXLRefinerPromptEncoder", "SeargeSDXLSampler", "SeargeSDXLSampler2", "SeargeSDXLSamplerV3", "SeargeSamplerAdvanced", "SeargeSamplerInputs", "SeargeSaveFolderInputs", "SeargeSeparator", "SeargeStylePreprocessor", "SeargeTextInputV2", "SeargeUpscaleModelLoader", "SeargeUpscaleModels", "SeargeVAELoader" ], { "title_aux": "SeargeSDXL" } ], "https://github.com/Ser-Hilary/SDXL_sizing/raw/main/conditioning_sizing_for_SDXL.py": [ [ "get_aspect_from_image", "get_aspect_from_ints", "sizing_node", "sizing_node_basic", "sizing_node_unparsed" ], { "title_aux": "SDXL_sizing" } ], "https://github.com/Stability-AI/stability-ComfyUI-nodes": [ [ "ColorBlend", "ControlLoraSave", "GetImageSize" ], { "title_aux": "stability-ComfyUI-nodes" } ], "https://github.com/Sxela/ComfyWarp": [ [ "LoadFrame", "LoadFrameSequence" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyWarp" } ], "https://github.com/TRI3D-LC/tri3d-comfyui-nodes": [ [ "tri3d-extract-hand" ], { "title_aux": "tri3d-comfyui-nodes" } ], "https://github.com/TeaCrab/ComfyUI-TeaNodes": [ [ "TC_ColorFill", "TC_EqualizeCLAHE", "TC_ImageResize", "TC_ImageScale", "TC_MaskBG_DIS", "TC_SizeApproximation" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI-TeaNodes" } ], "https://github.com/TinyTerra/ComfyUI_tinyterraNodes": [ [ "ttN busIN", "ttN busOUT", "ttN compareInput", "ttN 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"https://github.com/WASasquatch/PPF_Noise_ComfyUI": [ [ "Blend Latents (PPF Noise)", "Cross-Hatch Power Fractal (PPF Noise)", "Images as Latents (PPF Noise)", "Perlin Power Fractal Latent (PPF Noise)" ], { "title_aux": "PPF_Noise_ComfyUI" } ], "https://github.com/WASasquatch/PowerNoiseSuite": [ [ "Blend Latents (PPF Noise)", "Cross-Hatch Power Fractal (PPF Noise)", "Cross-Hatch Power Fractal Settings (PPF Noise)", "Images as Latents (PPF Noise)", "Latent Adjustment (PPF Noise)", "Latents to CPU (PPF Noise)", "Linear Cross-Hatch Power Fractal (PPF Noise)", "Perlin Power Fractal Latent (PPF Noise)", "Perlin Power Fractal Settings (PPF Noise)", "Power KSampler Advanced (PPF Noise)", "Power-Law Noise (PPF Noise)" ], { "title_aux": "Power Noise Suite for ComfyUI" } ], "https://github.com/WASasquatch/was-node-suite-comfyui": [ [ "BLIP Analyze Image", "BLIP Model Loader", "Blend Latents", "Bounded Image Blend", "Bounded Image Blend with Mask", "Bounded Image Crop", "Bounded Image Crop with Mask", "CLIP Input Switch", "CLIP Vision Input Switch", "CLIPSeg Batch Masking", "CLIPSeg Masking", "CLIPSeg Model Loader", "CLIPTextEncode (BlenderNeko Advanced + NSP)", "CLIPTextEncode (NSP)", "Cache Node", "Checkpoint Loader", "Checkpoint Loader (Simple)", "Conditioning Input Switch", "Constant Number", "Control Net Model Input Switch", "Convert Masks to Images", "Create Grid Image", "Create Morph Image", "Create Morph Image from Path", "Create Video from Path", "Debug Number to Console", "Dictionary to Console", "Diffusers Hub Model Down-Loader", "Diffusers Model Loader", "Export API", "Image Analyze", "Image Aspect Ratio", "Image Batch", "Image Blank", "Image Blend", "Image Blend by Mask", "Image Blending Mode", "Image Bloom Filter", "Image Bounds", "Image Canny Filter", "Image Chromatic Aberration", "Image Color Palette", "Image Crop Face", "Image Crop Location", "Image Crop Square Location", "Image Displacement Warp", "Image Dragan Photography Filter", "Image Edge Detection Filter", "Image Film Grain", "Image Filter Adjustments", "Image Flip", "Image Generate Gradient", "Image Gradient Map", "Image High Pass Filter", "Image History Loader", "Image Input Switch", "Image Levels Adjustment", "Image Load", "Image Lucy Sharpen", "Image Median Filter", "Image Mix RGB Channels", "Image Monitor Effects Filter", "Image Nova Filter", "Image Padding", "Image Paste Crop", "Image Paste Crop by Location", "Image Paste Face", "Image Perlin Noise", "Image Perlin Power Fractal", "Image Pixelate", "Image Power Noise", "Image Rembg (Remove Background)", "Image Remove Background (Alpha)", "Image Remove Color", "Image Resize", "Image Rotate", "Image Rotate Hue", "Image SSAO (Ambient Occlusion)", "Image SSDO (Direct Occlusion)", "Image Save", "Image Seamless Texture", "Image Select Channel", "Image Select Color", "Image Shadows and Highlights", "Image Size to Number", "Image Stitch", "Image Style Filter", "Image Threshold", "Image Tiled", "Image Transpose", "Image Voronoi Noise Filter", "Image fDOF Filter", "Image to Latent Mask", "Image to Noise", "Image to Seed", "Images to Linear", "Images to RGB", "Inset Image Bounds", "Integer place counter", "KSampler (WAS)", "KSampler Cycle", "LangSAM Masking", "LangSAM Model Loader", "Latent Input Switch", "Latent Noise Injection", "Latent Size to Number", "Latent Upscale by Factor (WAS)", "Load Cache", "Load Image Batch", "Load Lora", "Load Text File", "Logic Boolean", "Lora Loader", "Mask Arbitrary Region", "Mask Batch", "Mask Batch to Mask", "Mask Ceiling Region", "Mask Crop Dominant Region", "Mask Crop Minority Region", "Mask Crop Region", "Mask Dilate Region", "Mask Dominant Region", "Mask Erode Region", "Mask Fill Holes", "Mask Floor Region", "Mask Gaussian Region", "Mask Invert", "Mask Minority Region", "Mask Paste Region", "Mask Smooth Region", "Mask Threshold Region", "Masks Add", "Masks Combine Batch", "Masks Combine Regions", "Masks Subtract", "MiDaS Depth Approximation", "MiDaS Mask Image", "MiDaS Model Loader", "Model Input Switch", "Number Counter", "Number Input Condition", "Number Input Switch", "Number Multiple Of", "Number Operation", "Number PI", "Number to Float", "Number to Int", "Number to Seed", "Number to String", "Number to Text", "Prompt Multiple Styles Selector", "Prompt Styles Selector", "Random Number", "SAM Image Mask", "SAM Model Loader", "SAM Parameters", "SAM Parameters Combine", "Samples Passthrough (Stat System)", "Save Text File", "Seed", "String to Text", "Tensor Batch to Image", "Text Add Token by Input", "Text Add Tokens", "Text Compare", "Text Concatenate", "Text Dictionary Update", "Text File History Loader", "Text Find and Replace", "Text Find and Replace Input", "Text Find and Replace by Dictionary", "Text Input Switch", "Text List", "Text List Concatenate", "Text Load Line From File", "Text Multiline", "Text Parse A1111 Embeddings", "Text Parse Noodle Soup Prompts", "Text Parse Tokens", "Text Random Line", "Text Random Prompt", "Text Shuffle", "Text String", "Text String Truncate", "Text to Conditioning", "Text to Console", "Text to Number", "Text to String", "True Random.org Number Generator", "Upscale Model Loader", "Upscale Model Switch", "VAE Input Switch", "Video Dump Frames", "Write to GIF", "Write to Video", "unCLIP Checkpoint Loader" ], { "title_aux": "WAS Node Suite" } ], "https://github.com/YOUR-WORST-TACO/ComfyUI-TacoNodes": [ [ "Example", "TacoAnimatedLoader", "TacoGifMaker", "TacoImg2ImgAnimatedLoader", "TacoImg2ImgAnimatedProcessor", "TacoLatent" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI-TacoNodes" } ], "https://github.com/YinBailiang/MergeBlockWeighted_fo_ComfyUI": [ [ "MergeBlockWeighted" ], { "title_aux": "MergeBlockWeighted_fo_ComfyUI" } ], "https://github.com/ZaneA/ComfyUI-ImageReward": [ [ "ImageRewardLoader", "ImageRewardScore" ], { "title_aux": "ImageReward" } ], "https://github.com/Zuellni/ComfyUI-ExLlama": [ [ "ZuellniExLlamaGenerator", "ZuellniExLlamaLoader" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI-ExLlama" } ], "https://github.com/adieyal/comfyui-dynamicprompts": [ [ "DPCombinatorialGenerator", "DPFeelingLucky", "DPJinja", "DPMagicPrompt", "DPOutput", "DPRandomGenerator" ], { "title_aux": "DynamicPrompts Custom Nodes" } ], "https://github.com/alsritter/asymmetric-tiling-comfyui": [ [ "Asymmetric_Tiling_KSampler" ], { "title_aux": "asymmetric-tiling-comfyui" } ], "https://github.com/alt-key-project/comfyui-dream-project": [ [ "Analyze Palette [Dream]", "Beat Curve [Dream]", "Big Float Switch [Dream]", "Big Image Switch [Dream]", "Big Int Switch [Dream]", "Big Latent Switch [Dream]", "Big Palette Switch [Dream]", "Big Text Switch [Dream]", "Boolean To Float [Dream]", "Boolean To Int [Dream]", "Build Prompt [Dream]", "CSV Curve [Dream]", "CSV Generator [Dream]", "Calculation [Dream]", "Common Frame Dimensions [Dream]", "FFMPEG Video Encoder [Dream]", "File Count [Dream]", "Finalize Prompt [Dream]", "Float Input [Dream]", "Frame Count Calculator [Dream]", "Frame Counter (Directory) [Dream]", "Frame Counter (Simple) [Dream]", "Frame Counter Info [Dream]", "Frame Counter Offset [Dream]", "Image Motion [Dream]", "Image Sequence Blend [Dream]", "Image Sequence Loader [Dream]", "Image Sequence Saver [Dream]", "Image Sequence Tweening [Dream]", "Int Input [Dream]", "Linear Curve [Dream]", "Noise from Area Palettes [Dream]", "Noise from Palette [Dream]", "Palette Color Align [Dream]", "Palette Color Shift [Dream]", "Sample Image Area as Palette [Dream]", "Sample Image as Palette [Dream]", "Saw Curve [Dream]", "Sine Curve [Dream]", "Smooth Event Curve [Dream]", "String Input [Dream]", "Text Input [Dream]", "Triangle Curve [Dream]", "Triangle Event Curve [Dream]", "Video Encoder (mpegCoder) [Dream]" ], { "title_aux": "Dream Project Animation Nodes" } ], "https://github.com/andersxa/comfyui-PromptAttention": [ [ "CLIPAttentionMaskEncode" ], { "title_aux": "CLIP Directional Prompt Attention" } ], "https://github.com/asagi4/comfyui-prompt-control": [ [ "CondLinearInterpolate", "ConditioningCutoff", "EditableCLIPEncode", "FilterSchedule", "JinjaRender", "LoRAScheduler", "PCSplitSampling", "PromptControlSimple", "PromptToSchedule", "ScheduleToCond", "ScheduleToModel", "SimpleWildcard", "StringConcat" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI prompt control" } ], "https://github.com/badjeff/comfyui_lora_tag_loader": [ [ "LoraTagLoader" ], { "title_aux": "LoRA Tag Loader for ComfyUI" } ], "https://github.com/bash-j/mikey_nodes": [ [ "AddMetaData", "Batch Crop Image", "Batch Crop Resize Inplace", "Batch Load Images", "Batch Resize Image for SDXL", "Empty Latent Ratio Custom SDXL", "Empty Latent Ratio Select SDXL", "FileNamePrefix", "Float to String", "HaldCLUT", "Image Caption", "ImageBorder", "Int to String", "LoraSyntaxProcessor", "Mikey Sampler", "Mikey Sampler Base Only", "Mikey Sampler Base Only Advanced", "Mikey Sampler Tiled", "Mikey Sampler Tiled Base Only", "MikeySamplerTiledAdvanced", "PresetRatioSelector", "Prompt With SDXL", "Prompt With Style", "Prompt With Style V2", "Prompt With Style V3", "Ratio Advanced", "Resize Image for SDXL", "Save Image If True", "Save Image With Prompt Data", "Save Images Mikey", "Save Images No Display", "SaveMetaData", "SearchAndReplace", "Seed String", "Style Conditioner", "Style Conditioner Base Only", "Text2InputOr3rdOption", "TextCombinations", "TextCombinations3", "Upscale Tile Calculator", "Wildcard Processor", "WildcardAndLoraSyntaxProcessor" ], { "title_aux": "Mikey Nodes" } ], "https://github.com/biegert/ComfyUI-CLIPSeg/raw/main/custom_nodes/clipseg.py": [ [ "CLIPSeg", "CombineSegMasks" ], { "title_aux": "CLIPSeg" } ], "https://github.com/bmad4ever/ComfyUI-Bmad-Custom-Nodes": [ [ "AdaptiveThresholding", "Add String To Many", "AdjustRect", "AnyToAny", "BoundingRect (contours)", "CLAHE", "CLIPEncodeMultiple", "CLIPEncodeMultipleAdvanced", "ChameleonMask", "CheckpointLoader (dirty)", "CheckpointLoaderSimple (dirty)", "Color Clip", "Color Clip ADE20k", "CondList", "Conditioning (combine multiple)", "Conditioning (combine selective)", "Conditioning Grid (cond)", "Conditioning Grid (string)", "Conditioning Grid (string) Advanced", "Contour To Mask", "Contours", "ControlNetHadamard", "ControlNetHadamard (manual)", "CreateRequestMetadata", "Draw Contour(s)", "EqualizeHistogram", "Filter Contour", "FlatLatentsIntoSingleGrid", "Framed Mask Grab Cut", "Framed Mask Grab Cut 2", "Get Contour from list", "Get Models", "Get Prompt", "HypernetworkLoader (dirty)", "Inpaint", "Input/String to Int Array", "Load 64 Encoded Image", "LoraLoader (dirty)", "MaskGrid N KSamplers Advanced", "Merge Latent Batch Gridwise", "MonoMerge", "OtsuThreshold", "Rect Grab Cut", "Repeat Into Grid (image)", "Repeat Into Grid (latent)", "RequestInputs", "Save Image (api)", "SeamlessClone", "SeamlessClone (simple)", "SetRequestStateToComplete", "String", "String to Float", "String to Integer", "VAEEncodeBatch" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI-Bmad-Custom-Nodes" } ], "https://github.com/bradsec/ComfyUI_ResolutionSelector": [ [ "ResolutionSelector" ], { "title_aux": "ResolutionSelector for ComfyUI" } ], "https://github.com/braintacles/braintacles-comfyui-nodes": [ [ "CLIPTextEncodeSDXL-Multi-IO", "CLIPTextEncodeSDXL-Pipe", "Empty Latent Image from Aspect-Ratio", "Random Find and Replace", "VAE Decode Pipe", "VAE Decode Tiled Pipe", "VAE Encode Pipe", "VAE Encode Tiled Pipe" ], { "title_aux": "braintacles-nodes" } ], "https://github.com/budihartono/comfyui_otonx_nodes": [ [ "OTX Integer Multiple Inputs 4", "OTX Integer Multiple Inputs 5", "OTX Integer Multiple Inputs 6", "OTX KSampler Feeder", "OTX Versatile Multiple Inputs 4", "OTX Versatile Multiple Inputs 5", "OTX Versatile Multiple Inputs 6" ], { "title_aux": "Otonx's Custom Nodes" } ], "https://github.com/bvhari/ComfyUI_ImageProcessing": [ [ "BilateralFilter", "Brightness", "Gamma", "Hue", "Saturation", "SigmoidCorrection", "UnsharpMask" ], { "title_aux": "ImageProcessing" } ], "https://github.com/bvhari/ComfyUI_LatentToRGB": [ [ "LatentToRGB" ], { "title_aux": "LatentToRGB" } ], "https://github.com/bvhari/ComfyUI_PerpNeg": [ [ "KSamplerAdvancedPerpNeg" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI_PerpNeg [WIP]" } ], "https://github.com/bvhari/ComfyUI_PerpWeight": [ [ "CLIPTextEncodePerpWeight" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI_PerpWeight" } ], "https://github.com/chenbaiyujason/sc-node-comfyui": [ [ "8 Combine Text String", "Builder Text String", "Clean Gradio", "Combine GPT Prompt", "Combine Text String", "Get Gradio", "Multiple Combine GPT Prompt", "Multiple Post to GPT", "Multiple Text String", "One GPT Builder", "One Post to GPT", "Out Gradio", "Prompt Preview", "SCSCCLIPTextEncode", "SCSearch and Replace", "SCText to Console", "Single Text String", "String to ASCII", "Verb One Post to GPT" ], { "title_aux": "sc-node-comfyui" } ], "https://github.com/chrisgoringe/cg-noise": [ [ "Hijack", "KSampler Advanced with Variations", "KSampler with Variations", "UnHijack" ], { "title_aux": "Variation seeds" } ], "https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_DiT": [ [ "DiTCheckpointLoader", "DiTCheckpointLoaderSimple", "DiTLabelCombine", "DiTLabelSelect", "DiTSampler" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI_DiT [WIP]" } ], "https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_NetDist": [ [ "FetchRemote", "QueueRemote" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI_NetDist" } ], "https://github.com/city96/SD-Advanced-Noise": [ [ "LatentGaussianNoise", "MathEncode" ], { "title_aux": "SD-Advanced-Noise" } ], "https://github.com/city96/SD-Latent-Interposer": [ [ "LatentInterposer" ], { "title_aux": "Latent-Interposer" } ], "https://github.com/city96/SD-Latent-Upscaler": [ [ "LatentUpscaler" ], { "title_aux": "SD-Latent-Upscaler" } ], "https://github.com/civitai/comfy-nodes": [ [ "CivitAI_Checkpoint_Loader", "CivitAI_Lora_Loader" ], { "title_aux": "comfy-nodes" } ], "https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI_experiments": [ [ "ModelMergeBlockNumber", "ModelMergeSDXL", "ModelMergeSDXLDetailedTransformers", "ModelMergeSDXLTransformers", "ModelSamplerTonemapNoiseTest", "ReferenceOnlySimple", "RescaleClassifierFreeGuidanceTest", "TonemapNoiseWithRescaleCFG" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI_experiments" } ], "https://github.com/coreyryanhanson/ComfyQR": [ [ "comfy-qr-by-image-size", "comfy-qr-by-module-size", "comfy-qr-by-module-split", "comfy-qr-mask_errors" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyQR" } ], "https://github.com/coreyryanhanson/ComfyQR-scanning-nodes": [ [ "comfy-qr-read", "comfy-qr-validate" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyQR-scanning-nodes" } ], "https://github.com/cubiq/ComfyUI_IPAdapter_plus": [ [ "IPAdapterApply", "IPAdapterCLIPVisionEncode", "IPAdapterModelLoader" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI_IPAdapter_plus" } ], "https://github.com/cubiq/ComfyUI_SimpleMath": [ [ "SimpleMath", "SimpleMathDebug" ], { "title_aux": "Simple Math" } ], "https://github.com/dagthomas/comfyui_dagthomas": [ [ "CSL", "CSVPromptGenerator", "PromptGenerator" ], { "title_aux": "SDXL Auto Prompter" } ], "https://github.com/dawangraoming/ComfyUI_ksampler_gpu/raw/main/ksampler_gpu.py": [ [ "KSamplerAdvancedGPU", "KSamplerGPU" ], { "title_aux": "KSampler GPU" } ], "https://github.com/daxthin/facedetailer": [ [ "DZ_Face_Detailer" ], { "title_aux": "facedetailer" } ], "https://github.com/dimtoneff/ComfyUI-PixelArt-Detector": [ [ "PixelArtDetectorConverter", "PixelArtDetectorSave", "PixelArtDetectorToImage", "PixelArtLoadPalettes" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI PixelArt Detector" } ], "https://github.com/diontimmer/ComfyUI-Vextra-Nodes": [ [ "Add Text To Image", "Apply Instagram Filter", "Create Solid Color", "Flatten Colors", "Generate Noise Image", "GlitchThis Effect", "Hue Rotation", "Load Picture Index", "Pixel Sort", "Play Sound At Execution", "Prettify Prompt Using distilgpt2", "Swap Color Mode" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI-Vextra-Nodes" } ], "https://github.com/ealkanat/comfyui_easy_padding": [ [ "comfyui-easy-padding" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI Easy Padding" } ], "https://github.com/evanspearman/ComfyMath": [ [ "CM_BoolBinaryOperation", "CM_BoolToInt", "CM_BoolUnaryOperation", "CM_BreakoutVec2", "CM_BreakoutVec3", "CM_BreakoutVec4", "CM_ComposeVec2", "CM_ComposeVec3", "CM_ComposeVec4", "CM_FloatBinaryCondition", "CM_FloatBinaryOperation", "CM_FloatToInt", "CM_FloatToNumber", "CM_FloatUnaryCondition", "CM_FloatUnaryOperation", "CM_IntBinaryCondition", "CM_IntBinaryOperation", "CM_IntToBool", "CM_IntToFloat", "CM_IntToNumber", "CM_IntUnaryCondition", "CM_IntUnaryOperation", "CM_NearestSDXLResolution", "CM_NumberBinaryCondition", "CM_NumberBinaryOperation", "CM_NumberToFloat", "CM_NumberToInt", "CM_NumberUnaryCondition", "CM_NumberUnaryOperation", "CM_SDXLResolution", "CM_Vec2BinaryCondition", "CM_Vec2BinaryOperation", "CM_Vec2ScalarOperation", "CM_Vec2ToScalarBinaryOperation", "CM_Vec2ToScalarUnaryOperation", "CM_Vec2UnaryCondition", "CM_Vec2UnaryOperation", "CM_Vec3BinaryCondition", "CM_Vec3BinaryOperation", "CM_Vec3ScalarOperation", "CM_Vec3ToScalarBinaryOperation", "CM_Vec3ToScalarUnaryOperation", "CM_Vec3UnaryCondition", "CM_Vec3UnaryOperation", "CM_Vec4BinaryCondition", "CM_Vec4BinaryOperation", "CM_Vec4ScalarOperation", "CM_Vec4ToScalarBinaryOperation", "CM_Vec4ToScalarUnaryOperation", "CM_Vec4UnaryCondition", "CM_Vec4UnaryOperation" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyMath" } ], "https://github.com/filipemeneses/comfy_pixelization": [ [ "Pixelization" ], { "title_aux": "Pixelization" } ], "https://github.com/fitCorder/fcSuite/raw/main/fcSuite.py": [ [ "fcFloat", "fcFloatMatic", "fcInteger" ], { "title_aux": "fcSuite" } ], "https://github.com/flyingshutter/As_ComfyUI_CustomNodes": [ [ "BatchIndex_AS", "ImageMixMasked_As", "ImageToMask_AS", "Increment_AS", "Int2Any_AS", "LatentAdd_AS", "LatentMixMasked_As", "LatentMix_AS", "LatentToImages_AS", "LoadLatent_AS", "MapRange_AS", "MaskToImage_AS", "Math_AS", "Number2Float_AS", "Number2Int_AS", "Number_AS", "SaveLatent_AS", "TextToImage_AS" ], { "title_aux": "As_ComfyUI_CustomNodes" } ], "https://github.com/giriss/comfy-image-saver": [ [ "Cfg Literal", "Checkpoint Selector", "Int Literal", "Sampler Selector", "Save 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"https://github.com/laksjdjf/pfg-ComfyUI": [ [ "PFG" ], { "title_aux": "pfg-ComfyUI" } ], "https://github.com/lilly1987/ComfyUI_node_Lilly": [ [ "CheckpointLoaderSimpleText", "LoraLoaderText", "LoraLoaderTextRandom", "Random_Sampler", "VAELoaderDecode" ], { "title_aux": "simple wildcard for ComfyUI" } ], "https://github.com/lordgasmic/ComfyUI-Wildcards/raw/master/wildcards.py": [ [ "CLIPTextEncodeWithWildcards" ], { "title_aux": "Wildcards" } ], "https://github.com/lrzjason/ComfyUIJasonNode/raw/main/SDXLMixSampler.py": [ [ "SDXLMixSampler" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUIJasonNode" } ], "https://github.com/ltdrdata/ComfyUI-Impact-Pack": [ [ "AddMask", "BasicPipeToDetailerPipe", "BasicPipeToDetailerPipeSDXL", "BboxDetectorCombined", "BboxDetectorCombined_v2", "BboxDetectorForEach", "BboxDetectorSEGS", "BitwiseAndMask", "BitwiseAndMaskForEach", "CLIPSegDetectorProvider", "CfgScheduleHookProvider", "CombineRegionalPrompts", "DenoiseScheduleHookProvider", "DetailerForEach", "DetailerForEachDebug", "DetailerForEachDebugPipe", "DetailerForEachPipe", "DetailerPipeToBasicPipe", "EditBasicPipe", "EditDetailerPipe", "EditDetailerPipeSDXL", "EmptySegs", "FaceDetailer", "FaceDetailerPipe", "FromBasicPipe", "FromBasicPipe_v2", "FromDetailerPipe", "FromDetailerPipeSDXL", "FromDetailerPipe_v2", "ImageMaskSwitch", "ImageReceiver", "ImageSender", "ImpactAssembleSEGS", "ImpactCompare", "ImpactConditionalBranch", "ImpactConditionalStopIteration", "ImpactControlNetApplySEGS", "ImpactDecomposeSEGS", "ImpactDilateMask", "ImpactDilate_Mask_SEG_ELT", "ImpactDummyInput", "ImpactEdit_SEG_ELT", "ImpactFloat", "ImpactFrom_SEG_ELT", "ImpactImageBatchToImageList", "ImpactImageInfo", "ImpactInt", "ImpactInversedSwitch", "ImpactKSamplerAdvancedBasicPipe", "ImpactKSamplerBasicPipe", "ImpactLogger", "ImpactMakeImageList", "ImpactMinMax", "ImpactNeg", "ImpactSEGSConcat", "ImpactSEGSLabelFilter", "ImpactSEGSOrderedFilter", "ImpactSEGSRangeFilter", "ImpactSEGSToMaskBatch", "ImpactSEGSToMaskList", "ImpactScaleBy_BBOX_SEG_ELT", "ImpactSimpleDetectorSEGS", "ImpactSimpleDetectorSEGSPipe", "ImpactStringSelector", "ImpactSwitch", "ImpactValueReceiver", "ImpactValueSender", "ImpactWildcardEncode", "ImpactWildcardProcessor", "IterativeImageUpscale", "IterativeLatentUpscale", "KSamplerAdvancedProvider", "KSamplerProvider", "LatentPixelScale", "LatentReceiver", "LatentSender", "LatentSwitch", "LoadConditioning", "MMDetDetectorProvider", "MMDetLoader", "MaskListToMaskBatch", "MaskPainter", "MaskToSEGS", "MasksToMaskList", "MediaPipeFaceMeshToSEGS", "NoiseInjectionDetailerHookProvider", "NoiseInjectionHookProvider", "ONNXDetectorProvider", "ONNXDetectorSEGS", "PixelKSampleHookCombine", "PixelKSampleUpscalerProvider", "PixelKSampleUpscalerProviderPipe", "PixelTiledKSampleUpscalerProvider", "PixelTiledKSampleUpscalerProviderPipe", "PreviewBridge", "ReencodeLatent", "ReencodeLatentPipe", "RegionalPrompt", "RegionalSampler", "RemoveNoiseMask", "SAMDetectorCombined", "SAMDetectorSegmented", "SAMLoader", "SEGSDetailer", "SEGSPaste", "SEGSPreview", "SEGSSwitch", "SEGSToImageList", "SaveConditioning", "SegmDetectorCombined", "SegmDetectorCombined_v2", "SegmDetectorForEach", "SegmDetectorSEGS", "Segs & Mask", "Segs & Mask ForEach", "SegsMaskCombine", "SegsToCombinedMask", "SubtractMask", "SubtractMaskForEach", "TiledKSamplerProvider", "ToBasicPipe", "ToBinaryMask", "ToDetailerPipe", "ToDetailerPipeSDXL", "TwoAdvancedSamplersForMask", "TwoSamplersForMask", "TwoSamplersForMaskUpscalerProvider", "TwoSamplersForMaskUpscalerProviderPipe", "UltralyticsDetectorProvider" ], { "author": "Dr.Lt.Data", "description": "This extension offers various detector nodes and detailer nodes that allow you to configure a workflow that automatically enhances facial details. And provide iterative upscaler.", "nickname": "Impact Pack", "title": "Impact Pack", "title_aux": "ComfyUI Impact Pack" } ], "https://github.com/ltdrdata/ComfyUI-Inspire-Pack": [ [ "Canny_Preprocessor_Provider_for_SEGS //Inspire", "DWPreprocessor_Provider_for_SEGS //Inspire", "GlobalSeed //Inspire", "KSampler //Inspire", "LeRes_DepthMap_Preprocessor_Provider_for_SEGS //Inspire", "LoadPromptsFromDir //Inspire", "LoraBlockInfo //Inspire", "LoraLoaderBlockWeight //Inspire", "MediaPipeFaceMeshDetectorProvider //Inspire", "MediaPipe_FaceMesh_Preprocessor_Provider_for_SEGS //Inspire", "MiDaS_DepthMap_Preprocessor_Provider_for_SEGS //Inspire", "OpenPose_Preprocessor_Provider_for_SEGS //Inspire", "PromptExtractor //Inspire", "UnzipPrompt //Inspire", "XY Input: Lora Block Weight //Inspire", "ZipPrompt //Inspire", "Zoe_DepthMap_Preprocessor_Provider_for_SEGS //Inspire" ], { "author": "Dr.Lt.Data", "description": "This extension provides various nodes to support Lora Block Weight and the Impact Pack.", "nickname": "Inspire Pack", "title": "Inspire Pack", "title_aux": "ComfyUI Inspire Pack" } ], "https://github.com/m-sokes/ComfyUI-Sokes-Nodes": [ [ "Custom Date Format | sokes \ud83e\uddac", "Latent Switch x9 | sokes \ud83e\uddac" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI Sokes Nodes" } ], "https://github.com/m957ymj75urz/ComfyUI-Custom-Nodes/raw/main/clip-text-encode-split/clip_text_encode_split.py": [ [ "RawText", "RawTextCombine", "RawTextEncode", "RawTextReplace" ], { "title_aux": "m957ymj75urz/ComfyUI-Custom-Nodes" } ], "https://github.com/marhensa/sdxl-recommended-res-calc": [ [ "RecommendedResCalc" ], { "title_aux": "Recommended Resolution Calculator" } ], "https://github.com/mav-rik/facerestore_cf": [ [ "CropFace", "FaceRestoreCFWithModel", "FaceRestoreModelLoader" ], { "title_aux": "Facerestore CF (Code Former)" } ], "https://github.com/meap158/ComfyUI-GPU-temperature-protection": [ [ "GPUTemperatureProtection" ], { "title_aux": "GPU temperature protection" } ], "https://github.com/melMass/comfy_mtb": [ [ "Animation Builder (mtb)", "Any To String (mtb)", "Bbox (mtb)", "Bbox From Mask (mtb)", "Blur (mtb)", "Color Correct (mtb)", "Colored Image (mtb)", "Concat Images (mtb)", "Crop (mtb)", "Debug (mtb)", "Deep Bump (mtb)", "Export With Ffmpeg (mtb)", "Face Swap (mtb)", "Film Interpolation (mtb)", "Fit Number (mtb)", "Float To Number (mtb)", "Get Batch From History (mtb)", "Image Compare (mtb)", "Image Premultiply (mtb)", "Image Remove Background Rembg (mtb)", "Image Resize Factor (mtb)", "Int To Bool (mtb)", "Int To Number (mtb)", "Latent Lerp (mtb)", "Load Face Analysis Model (mtb)", "Load Face Enhance Model (mtb)", "Load Face Swap Model (mtb)", "Load Film Model (mtb)", "Load Image From Url (mtb)", "Load Image Sequence (mtb)", "Mask To Image (mtb)", "Qr Code (mtb)", "Restore Face (mtb)", "Save Gif (mtb)", "Save Image Grid (mtb)", "Save Image Sequence (mtb)", "Save Tensors (mtb)", "Smart Step (mtb)", "String Replace (mtb)", "Styles Loader (mtb)", "Text To Image (mtb)", "Transform Image (mtb)", "Uncrop (mtb)", "Unsplash Image (mtb)" ], { "title_aux": "MTB Nodes" } ], "https://github.com/mihaiiancu/ComfyUI_Inpaint": [ [ "InpaintMediapipe" ], { "title_aux": "mihaiiancu/Inpaint" } ], "https://github.com/mpiquero7164/ComfyUI-SaveImgPrompt": [ [ "Save IMG Prompt" ], { "title_aux": "SaveImgPrompt" } ], "https://github.com/nagolinc/ComfyUI_FastVAEDecorder_SDXL": [ [ "FastLatentToImage" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI-TeaNodes" } ], "https://github.com/nicolai256/comfyUI_Nodes_nicolai256/raw/main/yugioh-presets.py": [ [ "yugioh_Presets" ], { "title_aux": "comfyUI_Nodes_nicolai256" } ], "https://github.com/ntdviet/comfyui-ext/raw/main/custom_nodes/gcLatentTunnel/gcLatentTunnel.py": [ [ "gcLatentTunnel" ], { "title_aux": "ntdviet/comfyui-ext" } ], "https://github.com/omar92/ComfyUI-QualityOfLifeSuit_Omar92": [ [ "CLIPStringEncode _O", "Chat completion _O", "ChatGPT Simple _O", "ChatGPT _O", "ChatGPT compact _O", "Chat_Completion _O", "Chat_Message _O", "Chat_Message_fromString _O", "Concat Text _O", "ConcatRandomNSP_O", "Debug String _O", "Debug Text _O", "Debug Text route _O", "Edit_image _O", "Equation1param _O", "Equation2params _O", "GetImage_(Width&Height) _O", "GetLatent_(Width&Height) _O", "ImageScaleFactor _O", "ImageScaleFactorSimple _O", "LatentUpscaleFactor _O", "LatentUpscaleFactorSimple _O", "LatentUpscaleMultiply", "Note _O", "RandomNSP _O", "Replace Text _O", "String _O", "Text _O", "Text2Image _O", "Trim Text _O", "VAEDecodeParallel _O", "combine_chat_messages _O", "compine_chat_messages _O", "concat Strings _O", "create image _O", "create_image _O", "debug Completeion _O", "debug messages_O", "float _O", "floatToInt _O", "floatToText _O", "int _O", "intToFloat _O", "load_openAI _O", "replace String _O", "replace String advanced _O", "saveTextToFile _O", "seed _O", "selectLatentFromBatch _O", "string2Image _O", "trim String _O", "variation_image _O" ], { "title_aux": "Quality of life Suit:V2" } ], "https://github.com/pants007/comfy-pants": [ [ "CLIPTextEncodeAIO", "Image Make Square" ], { "title_aux": "pants" } ], "https://github.com/paulo-coronado/comfy_clip_blip_node": [ [ "CLIPTextEncodeBLIP", "CLIPTextEncodeBLIP-2", "Example" ], { "title_aux": "comfy_clip_blip_node" } ], "https://github.com/picturesonpictures/comfy_PoP": [ [ "AdaptiveCannyDetector_PoP", "AnyAspectRatio", "ConditioningMultiplier_PoP", "ConditioningNormalizer_PoP", "LoadImageResizer_PoP", "LoraStackLoader10_PoP", "LoraStackLoader_PoP", "VAEDecoderPoP", "VAEEncoderPoP" ], { "title_aux": "comfy_PoP" } ], "https://github.com/pythongosssss/ComfyUI-Custom-Scripts": [ [ "CheckpointLoader|pysssss", "ConstrainImage|pysssss", "LoadText|pysssss", "LoraLoader|pysssss", "MathExpression|pysssss", "MultiPrimitive|pysssss", "PlaySound|pysssss", "Repeater|pysssss", "ReroutePrimitive|pysssss", "SaveText|pysssss", "ShowText|pysssss", "StringFunction|pysssss" ], { "title_aux": "pythongosssss/ComfyUI-Custom-Scripts" } ], "https://github.com/pythongosssss/ComfyUI-WD14-Tagger": [ [ "WD14Tagger|pysssss" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI WD 1.4 Tagger" } ], "https://github.com/ramyma/A8R8_ComfyUI_nodes": [ [ "Base64ImageInput", "Base64ImageOutput" ], { "title_aux": "A8R8 ComfyUI Nodes" } ], "https://github.com/richinsley/Comfy-LFO": [ [ "LFO_Pulse", "LFO_Sawtooth", "LFO_Sine", "LFO_Square", "LFO_Triangle" ], { "title_aux": "Comfy-LFO" } ], "https://github.com/s1dlx/comfy_meh/raw/main/meh.py": [ [ "MergingExecutionHelper" ], { "title_aux": "comfy_meh" } ], "https://github.com/seanlynch/comfyui-optical-flow": [ [ "Apply optical flow", "Compute optical flow", "Visualize optical flow" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI Optical Flow" } ], "https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes": [ [ "smZ CLIPTextEncode", "smZ Settings" ], { "title_aux": "smZNodes" } ], "https://github.com/shingo1228/ComfyUI-SDXL-EmptyLatentImage": [ [ "SDXL Empty Latent Image" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI-SDXL-EmptyLatentImage" } ], "https://github.com/shingo1228/ComfyUI-send-eagle-slim": [ [ "Send Webp Image to Eagle" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI-send-Eagle(slim)" } ], "https://github.com/shockz0rz/ComfyUI_InterpolateEverything": [ [ "OpenposePreprocessorInterpolate" ], { "title_aux": "InterpolateEverything" } ], "https://github.com/sipherxyz/comfyui-art-venture": [ [ "AV_CheckpointModelsToParametersPipe", "AV_ControlNetEfficientLoader", "AV_ControlNetEfficientStacker", "AV_ControlNetLoader", "AV_ControlNetPreprocessor", "AV_LoraLoader", "AV_ParametersPipeToCheckpointModels", "AV_ParametersPipeToPrompts", "AV_PromptsToParametersPipe", "AV_UploadImage", "AV_VAELoader", "AspectRatioSelector", "BLIPCaption", "ColorBlend", "ColorCorrect", "DependenciesEdit", "Fooocus_KSampler", "Fooocus_KSamplerAdvanced", "ImageMuxer", "ImageScaleDown", "ImageScaleDownBy", "LoadImageFromUrl", "SDXLAspectRatioSelector", "SDXLPromptStyler", "SeedSelector", "StringToInt" ], { "title_aux": "comfyui-art-venture" } ], "https://github.com/skfoo/ComfyUI-Coziness": [ [ "LoraTextExtractor-b1f83aa2", "MultiLoraLoader-70bf3d77" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI-Coziness" } ], "https://github.com/space-nuko/ComfyUI-Disco-Diffusion": [ [ "DiscoDiffusion_DiscoDiffusion", "DiscoDiffusion_DiscoDiffusionExtraSettings", "DiscoDiffusion_GuidedDiffusionLoader", "DiscoDiffusion_OpenAICLIPLoader" ], { "title_aux": "Disco Diffusion" } ], "https://github.com/space-nuko/ComfyUI-OpenPose-Editor": [ [ "Nui.OpenPoseEditor" ], { "title_aux": "OpenPose Editor" } ], "https://github.com/space-nuko/nui-suite": [ [ "Nui.DynamicPromptsTextGen", "Nui.FeelingLuckyTextGen", "Nui.OutputString" ], { "title_aux": "nui suite" } ], "https://github.com/spinagon/ComfyUI-seamless-tiling": [ [ "CircularVAEDecode", "MakeCircularVAE", "OffsetImage", "SeamlessTile" ], { "title_aux": "Seamless tiling Node for ComfyUI" } ], "https://github.com/spro/comfyui-mirror": [ [ "LatentMirror" ], { "title_aux": "Latent Mirror node for ComfyUI" } ], "https://github.com/ssitu/ComfyUI_UltimateSDUpscale": [ [ "UltimateSDUpscale", "UltimateSDUpscaleNoUpscale" ], { "title_aux": "UltimateSDUpscale" } ], "https://github.com/ssitu/ComfyUI_fabric": [ [ "FABRICPatchModel", "FABRICPatchModelAdv", "KSamplerAdvFABRICAdv", "KSamplerFABRIC", "KSamplerFABRICAdv", "LatentBatch" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI fabric" } ], "https://github.com/ssitu/ComfyUI_restart_sampling": [ [ "KRestartSampler", "KRestartSamplerAdv", "KRestartSamplerSimple" ], { "title_aux": "Restart Sampling" } ], "https://github.com/ssitu/ComfyUI_roop": [ [ "RoopImproved", "roop" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI roop" } ], "https://github.com/strimmlarn/ComfyUI_Strimmlarns_aesthetic_score": [ [ "AesthetlcScoreSorter", "CalculateAestheticScore", "LoadAesteticModel", "ScoreToNumber" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI_Strimmlarns_aesthetic_score" } ], "https://github.com/syllebra/bilbox-comfyui": [ [ "BilboXPhotoPrompt" ], { "title_aux": "BilboX's ComfyUI Custom Nodes" } ], "https://github.com/sylym/comfy_vid2vid": [ [ "CheckpointLoaderSimpleSequence", "DdimInversionSequence", "KSamplerSequence", "LoadImageMaskSequence", "LoadImageSequence", "LoraLoaderSequence", "SetLatentNoiseSequence", "TrainUnetSequence", "VAEEncodeForInpaintSequence" ], { "title_aux": "Vid2vid" } ], "https://github.com/szhublox/ambw_comfyui": [ [ "Auto Merge Block Weighted" ], { "title_aux": "Auto-MBW" } ], "https://github.com/taabata/Comfy_Syrian_Falcon_Nodes/raw/main/SyrianFalconNodes.py": [ [ "CompositeImage", "KSamplerAlternate", "KSamplerPromptEdit", "KSamplerPromptEditAndAlternate", "LoopBack", "QRGenerate", "WordAsImage" ], { "title_aux": "Syrian Falcon Nodes" } ], "https://github.com/theUpsider/ComfyUI-Logic": [ [ "Compare", "DebugPrint", "If ANY execute A else B", "Int", "String" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI-Logic" } ], "https://github.com/theUpsider/ComfyUI-Styles_CSV_Loader": [ [ "Load Styles CSV" ], { "title_aux": "Styles CSV Loader Extension for ComfyUI" } ], "https://github.com/tkoenig89/ComfyUI_Load_Image_With_Metadata": [ [ "LoadImageWithMetadata" ], { "title_aux": "Load Image with metadata" } ], "https://github.com/trojblue/trNodes": [ [ "JpgConvertNode", "trColorCorrection", "trLayering", "trRouter", "trRouterLonger" ], { "title_aux": "trNodes" } ], "https://github.com/tudal/Hakkun-ComfyUI-nodes/raw/main/hakkun_nodes.py": [ [ "Any Converter", "Calculate Upscale", "Image size to string", "Multi Text Merge", "Prompt Parser", "Random Line", "Random Line 4" ], { "title_aux": "Hakkun-ComfyUI-nodes" } ], "https://github.com/twri/sdxl_prompt_styler": [ [ "SDXLPromptStyler", "SDXLPromptStylerAdvanced" ], { "title_aux": "SDXL Prompt Styler" } ], "https://github.com/uarefans/ComfyUI-Fans": [ [ "Fans Prompt Styler Negative", "Fans Prompt Styler Positive", "Fans Styler", "Fans Text Concatenate" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUI-Fans" } ], "https://github.com/wallish77/wlsh_nodes": [ [ "Alternating KSampler (WLSH)", "Build Filename String (WLSH)", "CLIP Positive-Negative (WLSH)", "CLIP Positive-Negative XL (WLSH)", "CLIP Positive-Negative XL w/Text (WLSH)", "CLIP Positive-Negative w/Text (WLSH)", "Checkpoint Loader w/Name (WLSH)", "Empty Latent by Ratio (WLSH)", "Generate Edge Mask (WLSH)", "Generate Face Mask (WLSH)", "Image Save with Prompt Data (WLSH)", "Image Save with Prompt File (WLSH)", "Image Scale By Factor (WLSH)", "KSamplerAdvanced (WLSH)", "Multiply Integer (WLSH)", "Outpaint to Image (WLSH)", "Read Prompt Data from Image (WLSH)", "Resolutions by Ratio (WLSH)", "SDXL Quick Empty Latent (WLSH)", "SDXL Quick Image Scale (WLSH)", "SDXL Resolutions (WLSH)", "SDXL Steps (WLSH)", "Save Positive Prompt File (WLSH)", "Save Prompt Info (WLSH)", "Seed and Int (WLSH)", "Seed to Number (WLSH)", "Simple Pattern Replace (WLSH)", "Time String (WLSH)", "Upscale by Factor with Model (WLSH)", "VAE Encode for Inpaint Padding (WLSH)" ], { "title_aux": "wlsh_nodes" } ], "https://github.com/wolfden/ComfyUi_PromptStylers": [ [ "SDXLPromptStylerHorror", "SDXLPromptStylerMisc", "SDXLPromptStylerbyArtist", "SDXLPromptStylerbyCamera", "SDXLPromptStylerbyComposition", "SDXLPromptStylerbyCyberpunkSurrealism", "SDXLPromptStylerbyDepth", "SDXLPromptStylerbyEnvironment", "SDXLPromptStylerbyFantasySetting", "SDXLPromptStylerbyFilter", "SDXLPromptStylerbyFocus", "SDXLPromptStylerbyImpressionism", "SDXLPromptStylerbyLighting", "SDXLPromptStylerbyMileHigh", "SDXLPromptStylerbyMood", "SDXLPromptStylerbyMythicalCreature", "SDXLPromptStylerbyOriginal", "SDXLPromptStylerbyQuantumRealism", "SDXLPromptStylerbySteamPunkRealism", "SDXLPromptStylerbySubject", "SDXLPromptStylerbySurrealism", "SDXLPromptStylerbyTheme", "SDXLPromptStylerbyTimeofDay", "SDXLPromptStylerbyWyvern", "SDXLPromptbyCelticArt", "SDXLPromptbyFashionArt", "SDXLPromptbyGothicRevival", "SDXLPromptbyIrishFolkArt", "SDXLPromptbySportsArt", "SDXLPromptbyStreetArt", "SDXLPromptbyWildlifeArt" ], { "title_aux": "SDXL Prompt Styler (customized version by wolfden)" } ], "https://github.com/wolfden/ComfyUi_String_Function_Tree": [ [ "StringFunction" ], { "title_aux": "ComfyUi_String_Function_Tree" } ], "https://github.com/wsippel/comfyui_ws/raw/main/sdxl_utility.py": [ [ "SDXLResolutionPresets" ], { "title_aux": "SDXLResolutionPresets" } ], "https://github.com/xXAdonesXx/NodeGPT/raw/main/Textnode.py": [ [ "CombineInput", "CostumeAgent_1", "CostumeAgent_2", "CostumeMaster_1", "Image_generation_Conditioning", "Memory_Excel", "Model_1", "TextCombine", "TextGenerator", "TextInput", "TextOutput" ], { "title_aux": "NodeGPT" } ], "https://github.com/yolanother/DTAIComfyPromptAgent": [ [ "DTPromptAgent", "DTPromptAgentString" ], { "title_aux": "DTAIComfyPromptAgent" } ], "https://github.com/youyegit/tdxh_node_comfyui": [ [ "TdxhFloatInput", "TdxhImageToSize", "TdxhImageToSizeAdvanced", "TdxhIntInput", "TdxhLoraLoader", "TdxhOnOrOff", "TdxhStringInput", "TdxhStringInputTranslator" ], { "title_aux": "tdxh_node_comfyui" } ], "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/throttlekitty/SDXLCustomAspectRatio/main/SDXLAspectRatio.py": [ [ "SDXLAspectRatio" ], { "title_aux": "SDXLCustomAspectRatio" } ] }