import { app } from "../../scripts/app.js"; import { api } from "../../scripts/api.js"; export function show_message(msg) {; = 10010; } export async function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } export function rebootAPI() { if (confirm("Are you sure you'd like to reboot the server?")) { try { api.fetchApi("/manager/reboot"); } catch(exception) { } return true; } return false; } export async function install_checked_custom_node(grid_rows, target_i, caller, mode) { if(caller) { let failed = ''; caller.disableButtons(); for(let i in grid_rows) { if(!grid_rows[i].checkbox.checked && i != target_i) continue; var target; if(grid_rows[i].data.custom_node) { target = grid_rows[i].data.custom_node; } else { target = grid_rows[i].data; } caller.startInstall(target); try { const response = await api.fetchApi(`/customnode/${mode}`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify(target) }); if(response.status == 403) { show_message('This action is not allowed with this security level configuration.'); caller.updateMessage(''); await caller.invalidateControl(); return; } if(response.status == 404) { show_message('With the current security level configuration, only custom nodes from the "default channel" can be installed.'); caller.updateMessage(''); await caller.invalidateControl(); return; } if(response.status == 400) { show_message(`${mode} failed: ${target.title}`); continue; } const status = await response.json(); app.ui.dialog.close(); target.installed = 'True'; continue; } catch(exception) { failed += `
${target.title}`; } } if(failed != '') { show_message(`${mode} failed: ${failed}`); } await caller.invalidateControl(); caller.updateMessage("
To apply the installed/updated/disabled/enabled custom node, please ComfyUI. And refresh browser.", 'cm-reboot-button1'); } }; export var manager_instance = null; export function setManagerInstance(obj) { manager_instance = obj; } function isValidURL(url) { if(url.includes('&')) return false; const pattern = /^(https?|ftp):\/\/[^\s/$.?#].[^\s]*$/; return pattern.test(url); } export async function install_pip(packages) { if(packages.includes('&'))`Invalid PIP package enumeration: '${packages}'`); const res = await api.fetchApi("/customnode/install/pip", { method: "POST", body: packages, }); if(res.status == 403) { show_message('This action is not allowed with this security level configuration.'); return; } if(res.status == 200) { show_message(`PIP package installation is processed.
To apply the pip packages, please click the button in ComfyUI.`); const rebootButton = document.getElementById('cm-reboot-button3'); const self = this; rebootButton.addEventListener("click", rebootAPI); } else { show_message(`Failed to install '${packages}'
See terminal log.`); } } export async function install_via_git_url(url, manager_dialog) { if(!url) { return; } if(!isValidURL(url)) { show_message(`Invalid Git url '${url}'`); return; } show_message(`Wait...

Installing '${url}'`); const res = await api.fetchApi("/customnode/install/git_url", { method: "POST", body: url, }); if(res.status == 403) { show_message('This action is not allowed with this security level configuration.'); return; } if(res.status == 200) { show_message(`'${url}' is installed
To apply the installed custom node, please ComfyUI.`); const rebootButton = document.getElementById('cm-reboot-button4'); const self = this; rebootButton.addEventListener("click", function() { if(rebootAPI()) { manager_dialog.close(); } }); } else { show_message(`Failed to install '${url}'
See terminal log.`); } } export async function free_models() { let res = await api.fetchApi(`/free`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: '{"unload_models": true}' }); if(res.status == 200) { show_message('Models have been unloaded.') } else { show_message('Unloading of models failed.

Installed ComfyUI may be an outdated version.') } }